Hey Everyone!
I have a game that I’ve been working on for a while on and off. It is a puzzle game inspired by an old high school teacher who introduced me to a game that I was/am trying to remake and improve upon.
The game is called “Teh Room”. I could babble on for a bit about it, but here’s some stuff you’d probably want to know:
- Direct Download: [COLOR=Red][here][/COLOR]
-You are the blue square.
-Controls: Arrow keys to move, space to restart
-The main goal is to get to the green block; the door.
-If a monster/enemy sees you, the game will pause. It may seem that the game is frozen, it’s not. You’ve just been seen so the pause is so you can find where the enemy saw you from.
-You can push light gray walls
-If you have a walls above, below, and on both sides of a enemy so that they can’t move they’ll delete themselves automatically after a second or two.
-A enemy (purple and gray w/ red diamond squares) can only see you if you are horizontally or vertically across from them with nothing between it and you.
Okay guys, I’d like to know what you think about the game. Things to add, remove, etc. Things to think about, anything. I’m planning to make reasonable fixes, so just let me know.
I’ve had some problems with people not wanting to download a exe, and I can understand why you’d feel that way with the internet being the way that it is, but to make the most of this game, I used some functionalities of Zinc which compiles swfs to exe.
Direct Download: [COLOR=Red][here][/COLOR]