It’s the start of my new site, the only button that works is the forum button.(feel free to register btw)
Any tips are appreciated
banner kicks *****, complete the site and repost it, delete the current thread.
my initial thoughts…
- solid layout. i like the creepy little effect on the navigation type. or, is that the typeface itself. either way, looks cool.
- i don’t like how the whole page isn’t black. it’s weird to have this dark page on the left and side of my browser window, but then have all this bright white space right next to it an underneath it. keep it all dark! maybe you weren’t done with that part…
- I get a bit confussed on the mood/tone. while you have this grungy dark look going on, you also have these nice slick thin read lines breaking up the spaces. could use a bit more consistancy there. like creating the lines w/ a unique “gritty” brush in photoshop and using that to help stylize the page. i agree, the header is pretty coo. i see the same problem with it however. the type and the animation effect give it that dark creepy feel, but those shapes in the background are too smooth and slick. they seem to clash imo.
good work!
I think your navigation and header graphics are a little hard to read.
But other than that- it looks really good.