Working on my 1st site! Critique please!

Hey guys,
I finally decided to start my own site, and so here I am. I started thinking about what kind of layout or theme I want it to be. I was thinking along the lines of the gray (light/dark) smooth look. Here is just a begining, but I wanted to know if this is on the right track, or not?

It looks pretty smooth to me. Layout seems nice but you haven’t got much space there for a header/title. And the buttons are a bit too tall. They should be about half that height. Also grey is a bit drab. Add in some colour splashes or accents. Once you add in a header and some sample content it’ll be easier to critique, but it looks good so far. Keep up the good work.

Reminds me of the Light by Porpous header. Its really not that close to it though.

Color is always good. Add it somewhere. !

Yeah I was trying to immitate the color theme he does.
Thanks for your imput I’ll keep updating.

yes please add a color or 2. Also I would lighten the grey a bit to open up your pallette more.

yeah agree with everyone else really, half the buttons and add a colour. Orange, red or light blue always goes good with light grey

smooth so far :thumb:

there really isnt too much to critique right now but you’re off to a good start from what you have so far.