I have been having troubles linking scenes together with buttons that use tell targets. If I stay on the same scene, no problem, but going to a new scene an error occurs. Without the telltarget its simply gotoandplay …
Is there something that I need to know about buttons that use telltargets when linking scenes together?
I don’t use Flash 5, but I do see that you have your instance name as “next movie” ???
You can’t have a space in the instance name. It would have to become nextMovie or nextmovie or whatever, as long as it is one word.
PS: loadMovie() is better than Scenes, so in the future I recommend learning them. Movies that use Scenes take much longer to load, where if you use loadMovie you can add a preloader onto each individual section and that way no sections are uselessly loaded because if no one clicks on that section, it will never load. It is just a suggestion though, stick with what you are comfortable with.
Thanks for the suggestions. Let me try to explain better what is happening. On scene 1 the next and back buttons have telltargets that work just fine - even with the instance name “next movie” with a space. When I click on the final next button and its time to go to scene 2, I get the error posted in the last email.
I tried using the LoadMovieNum () and it worked…well kinda. It did take me to scene 2, but unless I wait for the previous movie to finish playing scene 2 loads on top of scene 1. You can see the text from both overlapping. Funny… Then going from scene 2 back to scene 1, using loadMovieNum () I get this error:
but it wouldn’t work with the “gotoandPlay” just the onrelease{nextScene ()}
But what has been working is the loadMovieNum - this all of a suddden is moving me back and forth from scene 1 and 2. Now, the only problem is that it seems that with loadmovieNum you can’t specify which frame to go to. When you click the back button on scene 2, I need to go back to scene 1, frame 640. Is it possible to use loadmovienum and specify the frame which you want to start at, and not just at the beginning?
The gotoandPlay won’t work at all - the movie goes blank. The loadMovieNum works well taking me back and fourth between scenes, but it always starts at the beginning of the scene and I want it to play at frame 600. Maybe the loadmovienum requires the movie to load first before going anywhere - if so, is there a way to load and then swiftly be taken to frame 600?
Question: Why do you want it to load at frame 640? Why don’t you create a movie for each section and load each of those seperately? This would definitely save on loading time and such. And it apparently would be easier to just use loadmovienum and have it load into frame 1 considering there probably is a way to load it into a frame, I am just not skilled enough to know what that is.
Wait wait… If you are using loadMovie to load external movies…why are you using scenes?
If it isn’t any trouble can you post a .zip file with your files so I can see exactly what is going on because this is starting to get confusing to picture in my head.
Also, if your jumpAhead = true variable is in a different Scene, then your Scene 2 will not be able to read it from Scene 1.
sorry for the slow reply lostinbeta. But if yer still interested, email me at robert@balanceimages.org and I’ll give you the necessary info to download the file.