[tennis] Exorxist VS. nj_jcarter

Hey! I’ve been using photoshop for quite a while, but never for pic modifications like in these battles, and I wanted to find someone to battle with that has similar skills. I think it’d be a great experience in using all the other aspects of photoshop I ussually don’t use. After seeing the work shown here at kirupa, especially the unflux vs canadian guy battle, it’s quite intimidating… haha. I think the rules could be a little easier,
3 volleys each,
using photoshop,
whatever theme, doesn’t matter,
whatever size

I was thinking of using the pic I attached to start. Anyone interested?
Let me know!



nj_jcarter, if you’re too busy for it, let me know, we can stop or have someone else try it. I see you have a ton of battles at the same time. I’m just itching to get at a response! let me know -


I’m not sure what to do in this situation. It’s been almost 2 weeks since I started the battle, and I’ve gotten barely a response or a volley. Unless nj posts something up, does anyone else want to take up the battle with me? I’m itching to open photoshop! Anyone?


your volley is alright, it just seems way to plain. But hopefully you’ll do better in your next volley!
Good luck

Do you think that is why I did not get a volley back? Just because my volley is too plain? I’m just trying to learn, I’m really new to image modifications. I’m sure my new one is going to be much better. I’ve learned a ton since I made the one I posted here. I just want someone to volley back so I can have another stab at it. Any takers?

I’m SO SORRY! I just started a new job and havn’t been able to even get on the web in SO long! This battle has been nagging at me and I feel HORRIBLE for neglecting this battle. Sorry to make you wait. Here’s me return…(oh and this isn’t political or anything I just had a picture of bush on my computer and decided to use him…)
<img src=“http://www.designers-edge.net/images/nj_jcarterround1.jpg”>

duuuuuude, that’s really good. I think it’s hilarious! Don’t worry about it, I know what it’s like to be swamped with work. I’m gonna get cracking on mine, I got some time off. I’m really glad u’re still in it, and after seeing that, I’m extra glad u’re in it… haha

hey nj, ive always notice u like the sense of humor on your battles. great touches.

Ok, here’s my second volley. I hope it shows improvement from my last one. I
really liked the idea you had, nj.

nice touches on the baby r us thing…funny. looks really good.

That’s awesome! I really like the idea of “babies r us”.

And thanks S.G! I appreciate the kudos.


Thanks guys, I was caught up with a lot of work for a little bit. I can’t wait to see what you put up next.


NJ, should we just call this battle off? I know you mean nothing, you must be really busy, I understand how that can be. Just let me know as soon as you can, and we can either stop it, or have someone else pick up that has the time for it. I would love to battle again in the future when you have time for it, but it’s been about 1 to 2 weeks for your responses or even volleys. I mean nothing bad by this, it’s just taking too long. LEt me know what you think. Does anyone else want to pick it up?

Can a moderator please close this thread? I don’t know what happened to nj, but the battle seems to not go anywhere. It’s been quite a while. Thanks!

Sorry Dude! I’ve been so busy, I havn’t even been on the net let alone worked on any pictures in like a month. I’m Sorry…If you want to have someone step in thats fine with me, but I don’t foresee myself actually being able to do anything right now. Again Sorry.

Hey, no problem, I had not heard from you in quite a while. Work is a little more important than battling… haha. Just keep people posted if you can’t get into a battle.

Its interesting to see the battle take place. I’m also new here. If any of you guys fancy challenging me, i’d love to take part. I have a little time off work at the moment.


Salvador, if you like I would not mind at all having a battle with you. NJ is really busy, so let me know, I’ll start a thread for a new battle for you and I. Do you have any requests to how to do it?


would you be interseted in a vector art sort of challenge? I recently did this in flash: or would you prefer to keep it to photoshop? Ok, i’ll wait till you respond.


Salvador, that looks amazing, but I don’t have illustrator, so I have to keep it to photoshop. Also, Idolthoughts wants to be in it with us, so he made a thread already for us 3 to battle. Let’s see what comes out!