Wow david, you <I>must</I> be bored! I don’t think he is looking to get that extreme, but I think that information would be helpful. I know nothing about shared libraries. You should write a tutorial for it on Kirupa:)
ok… I think I will… as soon as I understand them. lol
so… these two topics are beaten like a dead horse… you have to think of an interesting question to ask me so that I can have something to do.
Quote from Macromedia site, article by figleafs Branden Hall:
“Another common problem is that after users place dynamic textfields inside of scrollpanes or change the font for the tree control component (available in component set #2 up on the the Flash Exchange), their text does not appear. In both of these cases iis that text that’s being masked (as is the case with both of these components) must have its font included in the SWF file in order to work properly. The easiest way to ensure this is to do the following: Open your library. Select the menu on the top right and choose “New Font.” Once you’ve created your font symbol in this manner, open its linkage option and give it a linkage ID. Now, you can use this font symbol like you would any other font, and it will show up fine in the components that utilize masking.”
thanx soooooo much!!!
david: wow… im confused already
the font is verdana. do i really have to emebed that??? i know everybody has it,… after all, its verdana!
after rereading, i still don’t get it… so basically, i just embed my font, set something to linkage, and im confused about the rest
thanx for your help!
i followed lostinbeta’s directions and got it! ok, so now what about embedding fonts and stuff? the part that im so totally confused about?
thanx again!
reread again, and im starting to get it…
ok, so after i embed a font, it will appear.
and if i keepembedding fonts for all my movies, then the file size gets too big and i should use something called Shared Libraries. The idea of shared libraries seems pretty cool, looking forward to that tutorial or thread
Ah yes, now you are getting it:) With shared libaries you can simply have it embed the font once, and then the other movies will feed that font from the first on you embedded it on.
For now though, just stick with the basic way I showed you. I think that is all you really need at this moment.
ok, thanx!
I seem to be having a problem…
I keep getting this error:
Error opening URL “file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Ravi/My%20Documents/vip3r%20online/flash/news.txt?uniq=4239”
I know news.txt is there, but it apparently wants to add that identifier for the cache thing, and then it can’t find it…
any idea as to what I should do?
You should upload your files to let it work.
You should upload your files to let it work.
I uploaded it, but it still won’t display the text…
here are the URLs of my files:
The FLA:
The SWF:
The text file:
It worked:
ok, so it can’t be the caching thingy… thanx
but the text still isn’t showing up in my swf… know the problem?
Once you upload it, you won’t get this message.
ya, but the text still doesn’t show…
any idea why?
Post your code, i don’t have flash on this computer. *gg
here it is…
myIdentifier = Math.round(Math.random()*10000);
loadText = new loadVars();
// creating the loadVarsText function
loadText.onLoad = function() {
scroller.text = this.kirupatext;
I think you can pretty much decode it…
the myIdentifier variable holds a random number, and then loadtext loads news.txt?uniq=randomnumberhere. Then there’s a scroller that is associated with the text…
myIdentifier = Math.round(Math.random()*10000);
loadText = new LoadVars();
// creating the loadVarsText function
loadText.onLoad = function() {
scroller.text = this.kirupatext;