The Chronicles of Riddick

I havent seen this yet, though am kindof interested in it. The critics have been bashing it pretty good but Ive read that other sci-fi fans (such as myself) have liked it. …then again, Ive also read that some people who liked Pitch Black didnt. So… I dont know. If you’ve seen it, what did you think?

(Oh yeah, and one critic said it was on par with Battlefield Earth… and I “liked” that movie (and pitch black) soo… :P)

I’m a huge Pitch Black fan as well Vin Diesel but I think they should have made this movie 2 years after Pitch Black. I have a bad feeling Vin is going to overact in this and maybe he’s too big of a star nowadays to make a sequel to some of his earlier roles. I have my doubts it will be good and they were enhanced more when I saw the first ten minutes on MTV. The visuals look great but if the story sucks then its lost.