The darkness is upon me

The darkness, aka college, is really keeping me from doing anything in flash. it’s done it to me before and now i fear the worst. as some of you may know, over my break i started working with flash again, but now because of my schedule, i may have to put it on hiatus. on the bright side, though i found a fairly reliable server to host my would-be site.

anywho, first day of college i’ve already taken the same number (4) of classes i had last semester, just today. there are three more classes i haven’t been to yet. this is going to kill me.

What is your site? I would like to see that.

HAH! college …you don’t like? i could swear in any tv show i watch college is a time for partying, having sex, and having fun in general…dam tv

but then again isn’t the media industry all about glorifing everything… apart from the hamiltons

the problem in tv is all the students aren’t engineer majors…

explain, what you mean thoriphes?

I know how you feel Thor, my school schedule sucks arse this semester and I don’t have any time to work on anything for myself. oh well. :smirk:

well, you may not know, but engineers get a crap load of credentials that they need to pass. in english, a whole lot of classes they need to become/resume being an engineer. life ain’t so bad, just a little different right now.

I know how you feel… almost there, I can taste graduation…


I whish I was back in the education system. Way more fun then work.