The effect on

Ok if you have a look here

See how in that abstract image in the background has like little parts flashing and stuff.

What is that. How do i do it.

Is it just shapes that fade in/out really quickly with different alpha percentages?

yes. at least as far as i can tell…

It looks like white objects fading in and out to me too. I suspect Electrongeek probably has some kind of nice random alpha setting generator or something, but I’m sure he’ll pop in later to clarify the situation for you

I think they are all movieClips that blink twice (full frame, empty frame, full frame, empty frame, full frame) then fade out. Then after that, there is a varied amout of empty keyframes to control the time before it loops and blinks/fades out again. I could be wrong, but thats how I would do it…

egeek? Was I close?


Yup, Freddy you’re pretty close, just plain movieclips that loop. =)

Ah i see.

But would my idea of the shapes and everything blinking/fading etc create the same effect?

yup, all the fades and blinks are contained in their own seperate movieclips.

lol i think we need to make a new forum called “Ask Electrongeek” where everyone can ask you questions on effects that you have done, eg…

lol :stuck_out_tongue:

what do you mean by seperate movie clips? Can’t i just put them on there own layer in my whole movie? or do they have to be a seperate movie file? :expressionless:

Yeah you can if you want, depends on how you want to set it up. I just placed mine into seperate movieclips so that i can move them around easily.

Oh you see, I’m not that advanced. So i’ll probably take the longest way out as it’s the only wya im comfortable with :smiley:

If I had a few movieClips to put on a site like that, I would put them on one layer and let them play individually. That’s the beauty of flash!! Make your MCs and let them do what they will.

So i just import a movie clip…then what?

Import? What are you talking about? You make the movieclips inside the file you’re working on.

hei man put the source…on the net:chinaman:

*Originally posted by ctmxxl *
**hei man put the source…on the net:chinaman: **

haha nice one!