The Fight against popups....and im loosing it :(

hi Kirupian designnatics… :frowning: (<-- me with my head on to hands loosing my mind)

Im givingup :frowning: i have huge amounds of tools onmy design system against spyware, popups and viruses… but lately i get more and more banners and popups in my screen… even when im not even in explorer or have any other program running online…

you can beleef how frustrating this is… when i have tiem popups in my screen and a client is onits way to view or go over a webdesign that im supose to make… click 1 away get 3 or more back :frowning:

is’nt there anyone here with a methode to keep the popups from showing up of keeping um away from the eyes of my clients… cos this is getting out of hand…

PS, the man that think of these opups need to go behind bars :jail: …