read: this thread will be only for random, smart sounding, nonesense. Please DO NOT REPLY with: “this makes no sense” or “huh?”. If you get it and realize this is nonesense make a paragraph and post. otherwise dont post. I wanna keep the flow going. Everyone just come up with a paragraph and post it .example:
smart talk is nothing but random phrases point exaple " Jabberwhackys’ of the incandecent bulbs come to procreate in the natural spring scneted fields of prefabricated hair coated in aluminum tin."
Ahhh, my chum, you soon shall understand the fabrication of plastic good under the the corrogated goodness of the wooden planks. Then you shall really taste the sweet goods of the hidden bush that lies behind the numbered glass
number 2. defecated i felt after choosing this foul number. This is not an aliteration but a statement more factual than i dare admit to. listerine soluble mint drops might help me. the stench has hardened my stool.
Strange, Luck fights me with water pokemon that flash and dangle in midnight silouettes. Disturbing aparaitions that seem desperate for human glands. Only random ejaculations of water from deep within the earth can satisfy the thirst of neandrathals that sleep like sheep, ready to be shaved by a discrontaled SUPER CUTS employees.
the curly had always wanted blossoms…blossoms would make him all more apealing to the countless pigeons, onions and tractors he had admired for so long. now he could not even begin to count how many wombats were slowly approaching from all sides. chipmunks, squirrels and turnips all wanted him to die. they would kill him too, for he was not one to defend himself. the world ARE-EF had recently named the turnip one of the most dangerous rodents in the blorf. but it didnt matter now, the time had come…the rodents had been possessed by the evil muddy tractor.
ahhh…lovley roses eat the rodents as you all know flowers can be pink and fluffy but then again did you know thgat mashed potato is a perfect friend as it is soft and cuddly like a flower;
rodent filled roses fill my head with cognitive vizuals of melting vulture wings. Only in the darkness of lime covered sewer tunnels can i focus on the scent of red mandarin chicken. Oven roasted for there is no substitute.
however, has they are hideing under the left leg of the microwaves ironing board, they begin to spill out there ever runny egg yolks all over the asparagus tree. This along with the mutant flies that were raped by medieval killer bees makes it even harder for me to bath whilst listening to my favorite smell on the 291 to yorkshire/
puddings arte great especially the kind of the yorkshire as they arte soft and lovly like a teddy ahhh… teddys they can be soo much fun but then they sprout into gianmt bears and eat you whilst eating me…
oh! the lameness of the post previous ignites schizophrenic shakes that move horizontaly from finger tip to finger tip. Only a post such as this can remedy the otherwise non imaginative post that had contaminated the very existence of this thread. Woe is me.
blatant destruction of everheld bonds linking morality to stability… anguish in the isolation… regret for the monstrosity of the deeds… disgust at the blatancy of the offence i squeeshed in attempt to plunder lightly to destinatory locations…
at one point it was actually aggrevated to the fourteenth decimal ponitiac, which in turn revolted towards an unearthly moon, resulting in the utopian manifestation in the underground lobster festival of 1942
contrary to popular belief, the underground lobster festival of 1942 demoralized the innder cogs of the great lyonclock, and stripped the Imoen society of its innate tendancies to rationalize psychosomatization of hybrid lemmings
even more contrary was the underlying uphevel of the eskimo desert, which brought great famish and cell phone carrying cases to all but one of the native monitor inhabbited cuban missle crisises. The result: fortune cookies arent the green most
i object! the fortune cookie scandal is but a direct result of the air speed veolicty of coconut laden chickens times the tidal pull of the mediocre mana chips in the manufactured pant industry! furthermore, no connection has been formerly and scientifically hypondreated between the raging lunacies of the eskimo fish and the missile evangelists!
only in the chocolate covered ruins of the deep can we understand the sounds that like a bunny rising out of jello simulates the ancient aztec sounds mixed modern suburbia. If we let the mind wander like cheery people in waldo books, we can better understand the implications of the united states monetery policy.
what do i care what he or any other philospher thinks, Or what fallacies or linguistic mistakes i commmited. only freedom is needed. freedom to verse words from chaos to a chaotic logic thats like the jabberwahcky, nonsensical.