I’m putting an end to this. You have FAR too many threads on this. It is spam at this point. The next time you create a thread for your site you will be banned.
So I hope you like this one, because it’s your last.
I’m putting an end to this. You have FAR too many threads on this. It is spam at this point. The next time you create a thread for your site you will be banned.
So I hope you like this one, because it’s your last.
Delete out a majority of the text and definitions and increase the font by like 4 or 6px. Either change the dark colour of the text or find a different colour for the background. Remove a good 60px of the padding off the bottom and allow it to enter into the text a little.
Its better than your last version.
[QUOTE=nobody;2349068]I’m putting an end to this. You have FAR too many threads on this. It is spam at this point. The next time you create a thread for your site you will be banned.
So I hope you like this one, because it’s your last.[/QUOTE]
I haven’t posted a critique thread in months. Chill out!
You did yesterday.
But instead of creating new threads, you could just update old ones
this also allows us to see it progress, and will allow us to critique better
Do you know what it’s like to fall in the mud and get kicked… in the head… with an iron boot? Of course you don’t, no one does. It never happens. It’s a dumb question… skip it.
Captain Oveur: You ever been in a cockpit before?
Joey: No sir, I’ve never been up in a plane before.
Captain Oveur: You ever seen a grown man naked?
thats all folks please post a critique or don’t post, thanks
Lunatic sure thing! but the point of my post’s were like his, no point. You can give him so much advice but it is disregarded. This is a common trend with him!!
[ot]That might be, but I don’t really believe in ‘takes one to know one’ or a’n eye for an eye’. I also believe that a member of this forum has the right to ask for a critique and if they ask for it they deserve it (and notice I’m talking about a critique of their work, not a diatribe about whether they should post or not). I ALSO believe, that if you have nothing useful to say then don’t say it. If you don’t want to critique, then don’t post. :hr: [/ot]
[QUOTE=lunatic;2349104][ot]That might be, but I don’t really believe in ‘takes one to know one’ or a’n eye for an eye’. I also believe that a member of this forum has the right to ask for a critique and if they ask for it they deserve it (and notice I’m talking about a critique of their work, not a diatribe about whether they should post or not). I ALSO believe, that if you have nothing useful to say then don’t say it. If you don’t want to critique, then don’t post. :hr: [/ot][/QUOTE]
With all due respect, we have been critiquing his site since February. It’s gotten to the point where we are not only critiquing his site, but his manners.
Which if you read his site, you will know that he himself and his site seem to co-exist.
[ot]with all due respect, you can stop reading/posting in his threads any time you want. As a member here he has a right to post his work for critique. If people stop responding maybe he’ll stop posting. And maybe not, I can’t say. But that’s not the point. Feel free to add him to your ignore list and then you don’t have to be bothered when he posts something to be critiqued.[/ot]
a) Your font size needs to increase, by, a large amount
b) i like the lined land scape illustration, and the moon, thats cool
c) “A man can do all things if he will” can be pushed onto one line, and all of the negative space around it can be reduced by at least half.
d) decrease the size of your character (the vector guy sitting near your nav) to fit
e) please, oh please, PLEASE listen to everyone who has said this before:
Get rid of those falling balls on your navigation!~ sooo unnecessary!! (and ugly)
f) you can find a better way to display the sidebar:
this whole chunk ->
"Hello and welcome to the online portfolio of Timothy Clark, all-round polymath - artist, designer, businessman, sportsman, actor, comedian, model, technology expert, dancer and theorist. Join me in my quest to become the most multi-talented individual in the world. Here is the current list, which I will keep adding to throughout my life, so check back for updates: "
ditch it, no one really cares to read it, there is too much copy on your home page as it is.
all the items in the sidebar could be arrange more creatively so that it doesnt look like a big, awkward unorganized list.
Please, oh please increase your font size to a normal, readable level, how many times people have mentioned this to you is incalculable.
and if you DO resize your text, and you find that your home page is now too long, then axe most of your content, because, to be honest, its several HUGE paragraphs of dry… monotonous self loving
Which COULD be turned into, straight, concise, to the point, self loving, which is what a website’s copy SHOULD be like.
You should listen to people about the balls in the nav, get rid of them.
Your text is too small and there is too much of it.
You seem to use large words simply for the sake of using large words.
You still come off as arrogant and full of yourself.
Otherwise I’d say this version of your website looks better than previous versions.
I sort of disagree about the arrogant/ego thing
A portfolio site should come off sort of self-respecting (it is your site)
But there’s a difference between “this guy knows himself well, that seems solid”
“Ugh, reading this makes me want to shot myself in the brain, i would never hire someone with this big of an ego, how easy could he be to work with if he’s not open to contradiction”
Dude its a portfolio not an about page, you don’t have one thing that you did work on. At least put in some dummy content so we can see how you are going to be displaying such things.
Get rid of the stupid bubbles.
Going back and actually reading more of his site (TOO MUCH SMALL TEXT), I’d agree that it is better than it used to be (ego wise). Still seems a bit too arrogant for my tastes.
I still don’t understand the reasoning behind all of the anarchist, unschooling, anti-institutional wordage though. How is that going to convince me to hire you? Is this a personal blog or a portfolio?? I still wouldn’t recommend you, sorry.
And is it me or are all of your nav links broken now?
Yeah, I don’t see how this is a portfolio at all. If your work doesn’t take center stage, it seems like you’re hiding it because you’re not that proud of it.
[ot]I missed you. :love::lol:[/ot]
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