The Insanely Huge TimmyTots Portfolio Thread!

This looks nearly *exactly * the same as the last design. Go back to all your other threads and read over them. You haven’t taken the advice of anyone yet.

“I’ve found through my years of building websites that usability is all about the little things. The things we don’t really pay attention to in the big picture. One poorly worded label can change a forms completion rate, or a poorly named navigation item could result in people not finding what they came for. It’s important to spend time on those little things, test them and get them right.”

-Blake Elshire

Tots your site has forgotten the “little things”

Yea, gotta be honest, thats quite hypocritical, (without sounding like a d-bag) you should take your own advice :confused:

And @thats all folks: heh, you are also a hypocrite, look at your footer!! lol

Nahh, i’m just playing,

I’m anxious to see what Timmy does with all of this valuable, succulent advice.


I know, but I wasn’t really critiquing the design, I was merely making the point that he has forgotten to pay attention to the big picture of design.

You mean the little things of design :stuck_out_tongue: hehehe

Stop spamming this thread … please. Of course me saying please is my passive aggressive way of saying STFU … and by my saying STFU, well, that’s my passive aggressive way of saying a whole bunch of other nasty things that would just get censored through the forum filter, and throwing a virtual knife into your gullet to make you STFU. If you guys aren’t gonna critique his stuff, and critique it in a serious manner, then just don’t bother pressing the reply button.

Ok I’m done with this police-state-turned-kirupa-forum-censorship-think-twice-before-you-post BS that has come to light in the past month. Not for me. User’s shouldn’t have to be afraid of pissing off mods, and being called spammers. Adios!

[whisper]not angry at you specifically simp, just, the mods as a whole have been cracking down on a problem that doesn’t really exist[/whisper]

Ah well my concern is only in this thread, and really any other thread that has timmytots involved cause they all turn into flame wars, so I was just stamping on behinds pre-emptively. I say similar things in all this threads, people see timmy’s posts and even tho they claim they shun him, still go outta their way to ridicule him. Also, it just so happens that my post came after yours so you think that it’s directed towards you and your post, when it’s really not, it’s a general statement towards everyone.


I see your point, I agree that my first two post were some what uncalled for, but I thought my post’s on this page had a point and I wasn’t trying to ridicule him, I could be wrong…And if it came off that way sorry to Timmy…

Easy Simp… put down the virtual knife…it’s not worth it…JK

OK. I’ve revamped my portfolio. NOTE: it’s just the homepage at the mo. I’m pleased with it. I felt that my previous versions were a bit too bloggish and they didn’t have the right feel. This is more trendy and arty i feel. Plus it’s fullscreen (on a 1024 x 768 res anyway). See what you think:

Too much scrolling down… at first I thought that It was your pic., or sumbody else , I dont care. But The text was real down… Rest i think all has been said above

That photo of you sucks. It’s got to go. The menu at the top is hideous. Honestly, it’s even uglier than your earlier work. Also, there is way too much text.

I think you need to reduce your hello/bio text or put it in to paragraph’s. Again the scrolling is to much. It’s nice to see that you made attempt but over all the usability and design are really off. Your image cuts off and looks not right with a horizontal hard line on the right.

Timmy - I’m not sure what you’re looking to do with all of your variations of your portfolio - but really, they don’t change often enough (all together) to ask for a solid critique every time.

With that said,

The current version is lacking in many ways. One your text is too verbose and dark to read … I doubt that anyone is going to take the legitimate amount of time to actually read through it enough to care. (if they can see it)
The photo that you currently have up makes you look like a bum who could care less (even if it is a “modeling” photo)
The bubbles that are coming off the odd navigation don’t go with anything else on the site … rather, nothing about the entire site seems to fit with anything else … it’s all bits and pieces from my perspective.

I’d really nail yourself down to a solid design first and not even worry about building it till you have somewhere to start from.

My 2 cents …

i’m actually going to say that with your lengthy critique you actually quite like it.

^ :lol:

That’s obvious. He actually sent me a PM saying he was your friend and only got on Kirupa to look at your stuff.

1/. If you want long scrolling, check this out:

2/. The image isn’t supposed to be stereotypically designer/modelly look. It’s raw.

3/. The nav, I feel, adds interest.

  1. I don’t think they’re complaining about the length of the site. I think it’s the negative space before there is content.
  2. Cut it off at the bottom. Too much emphasis on your package. :\
  3. If you won’t simply take away the top-nav’s bubbles, change them to blocks to fit in more with the blocky look of your site. So far as the nav on the right side, I’d break it up into subnavs with headers like “Sports”, “Training”, “Design”, etc.

Seriously, I think everyone agrees with a few things. A) Fix the bubbly nav. B) Less negative space before content. C) [SIZE=“7”]INCREASE YOUR FONT SIZE!!![/SIZE]


Edit: How the hell are the sites you worked on so much better looking than your portfolio?

Ok… the photography really bothers me. I have a hard time even looking at the rest of the site after seeing the photograph. No I am not commenting on your physical appearance or anything.

The photograph is terrible. I didn’t see photography under your list of skills so I’ll assume you haven’t done much studying of this. The photo just doesn’t look professional at all. It looks like you set your digital camera on your dresser and just took a snapshot of your bedroom. There is a ton of extra garbage lying around that you don’t need to see including fans, boxes, lamps and various other junk. This does not make a good photo. Also your expression makes you look not fully conscious.

What is your message with this photograph? You need to figure that out. Try working on simplicity and clarity. Remove all the extra crap around your room, get closer, and work on your composition. It’ll look better if you put yourself not in the center of the picture but slightly off to one side. Also, you REALLY need to pick a different pose.

Good luck.

that’s the intention of the photography, as I say, it’s RAW. We’re surrounded by glossy photographs of models etc. with attention to lighting and composition. This is more ‘arty’.