The Kirupa Smiley

i stumbled onto this…i can’t believe i didn’t see this before!!!


haha! lol, yes i think k man is not that hyper.

do you not just luv these smilies

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: long live Kirupa

edit: forgot this one

*Originally posted by MakaVeli_Da_DoN *
**do you not just luv these smilies

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: long live Kirupa

edit: forgot this one **

Good one…

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
** **

SWEET eil this should be placed in list of smilies…whenever you wanna refer to the Big K you can put in smiley…good work

edit: could you maybe add…horns to it ?..:stuck_out_tongue:

Dunno why I can’t help but make these…

■■■■ myself :stuck_out_tongue:

<-- this one is like Ed from the cartoon “Ed, Edd n’ Eddy” <-- he has only one eyebrow! :slight_smile:

i love that show

exactly what [SIZE=1]type[/SIZE] of fun shall we have…i hope it involves excruciating pain =) :bad:

edit: also naughty cheerleaders :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by MakaVeli_Da_DoN *
**exactly what [SIZE=1]type[/SIZE] of fun shall we have…i hope it involves excrciating pain =) :bad: **

dont you mean excrutiating, or is that ghetto talk??:stuck_out_tongue:

forgive my typo’s =)

all <3 here bro

*Originally posted by Kaotic *
**all <3 here bro
<:} **


<3 = love
its a heart:crazy:

Thanks for the smiley! It is absolutely the best thing I could have ever received. I’ll add it up tomorrow morning :wink:

Kirupa <:}

excellent rubs fingers together like Mr. Burns

time for excrutiating pain as Phil said…:stuck_out_tongue: with naughty cheerleaders =)

u did 2!! and you also have weapons of mass destruction hiding under your trousers!!! :stuck_out_tongue: admit it now Phil…don’t make me send the UN weapon inspectors …:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

The smiley has been added :slight_smile: I’ll try to get it to display without having to press “Get More”.

Thanks eilsoe!

Kirupa :ub: