The Lakers got screwed

what are you talking about arizona boy?

My family is from Jersey douche bag :stuck_out_tongue:

I was born into a family that was obsessed with teams from New Jersey, expect for football, cuz they don’t have one!

well, giants stadium is in new J right? i mean NY already has two football teams, they should give one to NJ.

Yes, I agree, hmmm Jets or Giants, which one would you chose? :stuck_out_tongue:

well, if the jets didn’t give up keyshawn i would’ve gone for them. but now they’ve got thrash, but i dunno if that makes up for him.

Major league sports are so overrated…

I tried watching a game for a bit… got bored and started flashing instead…

wouldnt you guys rather play the game instead of watching someone else play?

Well, they lost.

I’m very sad to see them go, however I don’t feel they deserved to win that game anyway. I wanted them to go all the way, but they played that game like they expected a win to be given to them. They did not play like the situation dictated = hard! I am really dissapointed, not so much in the loss, but in the fact that the lakers played the most important game like a second rate team with too big of an ego - nothing like the champs they are. Hopefully this is a wake-up call.

Well, now that I dont have my lakers to cheer for, I’ll go for anyone that’ll kill the kings! Hey REV… :wink:


Actually Ryall:

I’m so involved with my Giants, that all other sports seem to fade away… I may watch the finals, but only if friends are over, or vice versa… I will watch every Giants game I can, or if it’s a daytime home game, go watch through the hole in the wall…

too bad about your Lakers… You guys are one of the few who can say “maybe next year” and mean it…


*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**You guys are one of the few who can say “maybe next year” and mean it…
Rev **

I agree, and thank you for mentioning it - coming from someone who is not a big b-ball fan it is really cool to hear that… and yes, NEXT YEAR! We’ll see if Shaq sticks around, as well as others, but I dont wanna talk about that - it makes me sad :frowning:

So, REV you’re a fan of the Giants? Ouch. That must not be too much fun :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though, they’re not doing to bad this year (nothing special either… but I think that can be said about every team at this point!)… Personnaly I’ve been a bit dissapointed with the play so far this season regarding all the teams (but I will always hate the Yank’s)


we are still 5 1/2 games ahead…

and we lost Nen for the season… Durham is on the DL… Barry hasn’t gotten hot yet (.285), etc. etc.

But yeah, being a Giants fan can be tough some times (1993 was real tough. even worse than '89) but at least I’m not an Orioles fan… AL should be absorbed into the NL and everyone plays the same rules…



HAHA! the la©kers lost the series! yay!