The Mark of the Beast

I was walking home from my fav pub last night, around 11:00, and noticed that I passed 4 people talking on a cell phone (okay 2 may have been talking to themselves) within the block and a half… Heck, I only passed about 6-8 people total (day before halloween here is dead, everyone is saving up to party for 4 days)…

I gave up my cell phone about a year ago, and I haven’t missed it at all… In fact it is liberating…

I agree, get rid of your cell phones, and by all means, stop talking on the phone while you run over pedestrians… they deserve to at least be seen while you mow them over in your SUV…

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

then again, I live next to the financial district in SF…


So that’s why that guy walks around DT with tin foil wrapped around his head… I thought he wasone of our “colorful people”






lily tomlin had a joke something like, “we should pair up all those people who wander around new york talking to themselve, so at least they look like they are talking to each other”

i thought a logical extension of that would be to outfit them all with old, broken cell phones. then at least they look like they are talking to someone.

Not sure philbert. My drawing skills have been at an all-time low, and my time is pressed. If I get a chance I can, but I doubt any chances will be coming my way…