Disturbing News

This is disturbing …

In 2000, a dumbfounding 39% of Americans thought it perfectly OK to talk on their mobiles while in rest rooms. By 2002, that acceptance has spiked to nearly half (47%).

Anyone ever overhear someone while using the facilities? Anyone ever talk to someone who was, or you were?

I’d like to hear some stories!!

Pointless thread #5 found on 9/2/03 :stuck_out_tongue:

If I’m on the can, and my phone rings (I usually keep it in my pocket), I always press reject call.

I am NOT going to talk to someone while… driving my kids to the lake…

yeah… :beam:

(I don’t have any kids, it’s just an expression)

castin’ some iron
letting the mole take a peek at the sun
chuckin’ out a log

and dan, this isn’t pointless, we’re talking about cell phones on the can here, it’s a valid subject for random :slight_smile:

still, I think it’s disgusting… eww…

Seriously man … This is an interesting subject for a thread.

I usually turn my cell phone off when I know I’m going to the bathroom for a while. And if I forget and do get a call I quickly hit that reject call button. It’s kinda degrading to the person you’re talking to. I know I’d be insulted if someone talked to me while they dropped some friends off at the pool.

And wiping?! Don’t get me started there!!! If someone wiped their ***, that’d be even worse!

“(ugh … ahh) OK, hold on, I’ve got to wipe”

me? Oh yeah, all the time.
Best time to call, I get my numbers all lined up to who I want to call, and then ring away while being on the can. I esspecialy love to talk to my gf. Then I call all my buddies and let them know, also I can keep them all updated on my ‘progress’ ahh… its great…

uhh jk. :beam:

I won’t do it but my family will sometimes :x . Esspecially my sister. yuck

oh my god, i totally talk to people while i’m doing my business.

mother called me once as i walked in the bathroom, so i just chilled in there and talked to her.

*Originally posted by eilsoe *
**If I’m on the can, and my phone rings (I usually keep it in my pocket), I always press reject call.

I am NOT going to talk to someone while… driving my kids to the lake…

yeah… :beam:

(I don’t have any kids, it’s just an expression) **

LOL, my sister calls it “dropping the kids off”. It’s funny because when she is going to be going for a long ride or is going to be going away for a while she goes “I gotta make sure I drop the kids off before I leave”…haha. I gotta tell her the lake one, she would love it.

As for talking on the phone in the loo, that is a big N-O for me, but I know a lot of people that do it ;(

yeah ive wondered if the guy in the restroom was crazy or on the phone before…

Ugh my ex-friend type associate used to do it all the time with me and it disgusted me like you have no idea. I hung up on her like 5000 times.

eww. man thats nastay. its like brining your notebook on the can and posting. meh i think its very degrading. i wouldnt do it and i dont want it done to me.

but what if it was like somone elses phone? can i use your phone? sure lemme just get on the can.

Speaking of posting while on the sh*tter, I recently stayed at a hotel with data ports in the bathroom alongside the toilet!

I think you have some serious problems if you use your laptop while on the john.

I look forward to taking a dump personally … it’s my chance to get away from everything! It’s my time to myself, and I like it just like that - no interuptions. When else would I get a chance to talk to those voices in my head?

*Originally posted by BadMagick *
**I look forward to taking a dump personally … **

:stuck_out_tongue: haha!

sorry, that just cracks me up :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
LOL, my sister calls it “dropping the kids off”. It’s funny because when she is going to be going for a long ride or is going to be going away for a while she goes “I gotta make sure I drop the kids off before I leave”.

Heh heh, i like that one too! My mum uses the phrase “Im just gonna send a log to the sea side”

I just say “I’m going to the toilet” - does that make me weird? :sure:

When I’m “playing dump truck” I am not one of those people who like to sit there and read a magazine or see how long I can make it last, I like to do the business and get the heck out.

But on the topic of phone calls, yah I have talked on the phone while in the john - no big deal. As long as you arent making noises or flushing the toilet than what’s the harmn, the other people dont have to know. Usually I talk better, I give them my undivided attention that way :slight_smile:

Im not too big on talking on my phone in Public bathrooms, but do it all the time at my house.

I have some crazy serious intestinal thing going on and I drop 2-6 dueces a day.

It depends who im talking to also.