oh, it is gb compatible. nvm.
i heard that by the end of this year/beging of next year the next gen gb will be out. like to replace GBA and GBAsp so i am going to sit on SP till prices drop a bit and if news comes in that time maybe even wait for the next gen. one.
interesting news, dippy.
A new xbox is coming out the end of this year, a lot cheaper, I hear.
A LOT, lol.
I don’t think they’d release a new GB so soon, it seems sort of… contradicting. I don’t know. I guess we’ll see.
theres a new phone/gaming device called the n-gage. it’s totally sweet, they’re putting titles like sonic the hedgehog, tomb raider, and monkey ball on it.
it’ll let you play online and submit high scores, download new levels, and many other things, much like xbox live. also acts as an mp3 player, and its primary function - a cell phone.
Phones are getting huge! HOLY MOLY!
I mean, compare that new-age one to this old-age one!
aw man, LIB shrunk down the huge picture, so now my joke doesn’t make sense.
I didn’t shrink it down. I thought hojo did.
which? the n-gage picture?
Oh, I thought you would have, Shane, since it was so humongous. My mistake.
Yes, the n-gage one, hojo.
yep, i did. it was way too big.
cant wait until that comes out, if its cheap enough, alot of people’ll have em and it’ll make multiplayer very very sweet.
its about the size of a gba, little bit heavier.
I’ve never been a real pay-to-play fan, and paying to download low quality games, and paying to activate, and paying a monthly fee, and paying extra when i use it too long, etc. It’s not worth it to me.
Ok - here goes.
The GBA and GBASP have the EXACT same capabilities except the new one has a light and is shaped differently. ALL GAMES from previous Gameboys work both of the new systems. Also - there is a head phone jack on the GBASP but it’s in the back and shaped differently than the original so if you already have one, it wont work. The new ones give you stero sound through your head set.
There is not going to be a new GBA out until the end of next year - if it happens that soon. It’s all on weather sony or M$ decide to come out with one that will determin how fast the next Gameboy comes out. But I guarentee you it wont be this year or early next.
As for a new Xbox - that’s kind of misleading. They are attmepting to make a new style of Xbox, a smaller one but it to will have all the same capabilies as the older one. The one out now is HUGE and they are looking at ways of making it smaller and not loosing so much money on each unit sold.
All the Major Systems are expected to launch their new systems at the end of 2005 or at the begining of 2006 - at least that’s the news that’s been going around.
The GBA and GBASP have the EXACT same capabilities except the new one has a light and is shaped differently. ALL GAMES from previous Gameboys work both of the new systems. Also - there is a head phone jack on the GBASP but it’s in the back and shaped differently than the original so if you already have one, it wont work. The new ones give you stero sound through your head set.
According to that article I posted, you need a headphone jack adapter to use headphones on the GBASP.
Also, not all games work. The Tilt Kirby or whatever game won’t work because of the way the game goes in.
laughs Tilt Kirby.
Anyways -
PS3 is indeed due out 05//06. The big-man up in Sony says he’s got big online plans for it. He want you to have your own virtual life in it.
The article was in an old OPM I have, from like…a year or so ago. I’ll find it sometime for you guys.
Oh true - i should have said that - the tilt games wont but they are the only ones. As for the head phone adapter - you can buy one but you can also just buy a new one.
Check this link out http://www.planetgamecube.com/hardware.cfm?action=profile&id=192
Sorry… “Kirby’s Tilt 'n Tumble”
im getting on for my birthday in april, yea!! can’t wait!!! btw, they look so cool. I really wanted a gamboy advance…i was so close to buying one…glad i waited :love:
I’m just pawning mine off to my girlfriend so I can justify getting a new one when I have some cash
I just saw the commercial. Tony hawk looks SO BADA**! that’s the first game im getting. can’t wait. Driving to cali so i’ll have something to do.