has anyone got the latest ibook 14" laptop? I’m considering to get it as my first Mac product…the reasons are that i need portability, a working cd/dvd drive and something that generally works well for web design, photoshop and general new media works (i know flash won’t run great on it - but i need that too) - yet i also need to actually get used to Mac’s as something that’ll go on my CV…so do you think its wise to dish out the £1k ish (inc. applecare) that it’ll cost…?
Also the main reason i am purchasing SOMETHING new like this is because my PC is dying a slow death - the dvd and cd drives have stopped working, and cannot connect my ipod to it either as i’ve not got usb 2 ports !!
and ALSO, has anyone been to the refurbish shop @ apple.com/uk on wednesdays? do they have anything remotely “good” that is worth holding out for - i am on a budget you see :puzzled: