if i acctually knew some good non-mainstream songs i would pitch in but i am fresh out! but i might do some graphics if you want them…
I don’t think phil knows that I’ve answered his question… hehe.
yeah… have you joined the forums? I’m going to post sometime soon some things that I need help on. And I’m going to start a wallpaper and image competition (I might change the image soon). If you have song suggestions, you should post them there… Cause I really want to listen to some new music. I’m getting sick of mine.
ok cool i might join then
cool… just post away, even if it’s mainstream… if you think I’ll like it, I’ll listen to it. I listen to mainstream stuff too!
WHat kind-a sound effects are you looking for?
I’ve got thousands of sound packets to go with my fruityloops and I’m decent with the mic…
~ playamarz
haha… something like BOOOOOMM!!! Welcome to… (lightning) WRAF!!!
haha… I can’t describe it to you. But something cool. I like the sound clips that radio stations make for their shows. I dont like the fact that the show starts out with me just talking.
Hey lava,
i have a playlist for ya, is there somethin in your wraf forum to post it?
and about your template, was wondering if you could send it if you like my list.
oh yeah, not there is many but if the song has a few bad words, should they be edited
I’ve got some cool tunez for you to listen to then… I just need to download them all and pack em up
As for lightning and thunder… That’s all old school style… Grab some new stuff… With some cool beats
15098E ~ playamarz
here’s what I’ll do. I’ll post a page with guidelines on how to make the show tomorrow, with a link to download the template…
I’m sleepy right now… but thanks for wanting to help out.
No problemo… Peace man
120D35 ~ playamarz
hey, I posted a page with instructions for using the template…
GloryBe, your playlist looks good
where’d ya post it lava??