Wow, so much to catch up on! Grrrr. Ya thank you Kirupa, I will make sure to save my messages in notepad.
First off, Phil, I know there are many problems with the UN, but my point is the US acting above the UN doesn’t help the UN at all. And the US does run the UN, because if the US doesn’t take part then the UN will fail, that is why the US was allowed to have huge debts to the UN for so long, everyone was afraid to put the pressure on them incase they just left the UN.
As for Kirupa… I’ll start at the begining.
Gaining peace does take a while, but it would be faster if the US had some other help. For example Afghanistan is relatively calm (in comparrison with Iraq) and there are Canadian peacekeepers there. I think if you ask the Iraqi people they want peace as soon as possible, and by refusing the help of others the US is delaying peace. As for resolution 1441, I read it last night along with all the resolutions reffered to in it, I could find nothing stating that force would be used. All the resolutions seemed to contain was talk about distribution of funds and medicine etc. And it seems to me that you are calling Canada cowardly for not wanting to go in to this war… but I ask you to look at history. Canada has sent over our feeble (yet still capable of dieing) army to help the US on every occasion teh US has asked for our help, excluding this most recent war. I think that says alot about how little proof the US had for going in, because if they had any we would’ve been there with you.
You keep speaking of gain. You say only the US and UK should gain from this war, well fine! So be it, what would Canada gain by sending peacekeeprs? It’s not like that would help our economy, it’s not like the peacekeepers will be buying up land and making investments in Iraqi oil. This is not about economic gain, it is about helping the Iraqi people. How would our peacekeepers trying to stop religious warfare be an economic gain to Canada? You also call American capitalism fair!! How dare you! Even I, a firm believer in capitalism can see that the current system of capitalism we have in the US and Canada is anything but fair. Is it fair that a single mom makes minimu wage and can’t pay her rent while Bill Gates gets richer and richer? Please that is not fair.
And you speak of armchair generals. I think you have this wrong, Canada does not agree with the war now, nor did we at the begining. We are not thinking “how can we get our name in the records as being part of this great war” we are thinking “how can we help the people of Iraq?” The war happened, there is nothing we can do to change that, but we can help the Iraqis since they are in this situation.
As for Kyoto, I think your argument is irresponsible. Why should anyone sign the land mines treaty, I mean the US didn’t so why should anyone else? That is not the way the world works. Plus one of the major reasons India, Sri Lanka, countries like that have such high levels of pollution is because they have all our second hand stuff. Ask anyone who is from one of these countries, everyone drives cars from the 70’s or older. So if you use logic you would see that if we in the west put tougher laws on automobile emissions - as we would have to if we signed Kyoto - then eventually our fuel efficient cars would end up in India, and thus their levels of pollution would go down.
I do understand that not everything happens right away, but things can happen faster the more people are helping out.
I do not find it difficult to believe that some Iraqi family named their kid after George Bush Jr, I do however find it pretty irrelevant when 80 people died in a bombing the same day. And aslo if yo are going to report on something like that atleast give more details, who was this family? For all i know they are extremely ignorant and living in a part of the country that has seen little if no fighting. With out that info it just becomes a story meant to make the US feel better about the war, it is like going out and stuffing yourself at a buffet and then feeling better about your self because you drink a diet cola. I do love getting both sides of the argument, that is my point, I don’t see many American news agencies giving both sides equal time.
Ya, Canada was isolationist too, most of the world was after the first world war… but the start of the second world war was enough to pull most of those countries out of their isolated state.
“Again, the US always goes to the private sector. If you even barely understand the US economic structure, you should understand that the government does NOT own any oil service industries. Not all countries have to be socialistic with state-controlled medias, etc. after all.”
-That sounded almost like an insult, lol. I do barely understand the US economic structure, but I am not an economist, and I doubt you are either. And was that a hint in there? No Canada is not socialist either. Our government doesn’t control our media, infact, I’d say the US government controls their media more! Fox is extremely republican, and there are only a few big media companies in the states…
Rebuilding refineries is one thing, getting special rights and privilages to the distribution of the oil is another thing.
It’s good to have a Russian on my side, I’ve always loved the Russians, such loveable people. (Assuming of course RussianBeer Is Russian).
So Kirupa do you suggest that the only way to get rid of terrorism is to topple the government of every country in the middle east? Surely the US wouldn’t invade their good friends the Saudis, despite how many terrorist originate there.
HAHAHAH providing goodwill was it? More like “we’ll help you beat those bloody russkies.”
Kirupa you mention the lack of UN intervention throughout this last century with regards to terrorism. How about US intervention? Where was the goodwill then? The “operation India freedom?” The truth is most countries don’t care unless it’s happening to them, and that is definatly the case with the US.
Why should it be different for the US than a remote country in Asia? Is the US more important? And I’m pretty sure the argument about 9/11 leading up to invading Iraq is fallacious. Exactly how is Iraq tied in with 9/11? Bush never clearly showed the world that connection, and I think that is a big reason why he had so little support. I mean everyone supported the invasion of Afghanistan, the point is if you got the proof the world will act, if you don’t, the world aint gonna play that game.
I credit you Kirupa for using saying a “thoughtful response” sucks to be deleted, I’m glad you consider my responses as having thought put into them.
What about Russia? Russia is a permanent member and they have been suffering terrorist attacks for a while now. And what does it say about the world when bad situations are ignored unless they affect the 5 veto-power nations?
While the US is not Nazi Germany the point remains that who is classified as a terrorist is subjective. Hitler believed that the Jews were terrorists of sorts, the US believes that Iraqis are terrorists?? No, some Iraqis? Who knows, but obviously not everyone sees why they believe that.
Done finally!