Powell insisted that U.S. leadership provides “competent control” of the force.
…and that is where it will fall apart. The US will still want a dominant role in the area, and few countries would be willing to adhere to the US rules.
I do not believe the US will go back to the UN to ask for help, and that is crucial to get more troops. In almost all the articles, the US position is that it may go non-UN routes, but it will not use the UN for the law and order requirements.
So yes, I guess they are looking for help. The urgency though doesn’t seem to be there.
EDIT: You can’t expect jobs for the common uneducated Iraqi just yet. We just barely are in the process of training new police forces using Iraqis. Overall, the Iraqi citizen is probably doing what he did before the war…nothing much. But having them doing “nothing much” is going to fuel more extremists though.
EDIT2: Maybe a small faction - most probably are happy that they have an alternative to Saddam.
Kirupa I don’t think that will be a problem. The US is pretty much in charge in Afghanistan, that hasn’t stopped other countries from contributing. We’re used to playing second fiddle to the US, as long as they don’t request us to bomb our own people I think we can manage it.
Kirupa even if it is only a small faction in Iraq, throughout the middle east people are against what the US did, they didn’t live under Saddam but they saw this war (still see this war) as an illegal invasion by the US. That is a problem, because that is perfect fuel for the extremists to use.
BRUSSELS (AP) - With the cost of rebuilding Iraq set to run into tens of billions of dollars, European officials say the United States is showing a willingness to share control over reconstruction in its push for foreign help in footing the bill.
Even if I dont think US will allow much control, it dosent really need too. But even if the show the willingness to share control, kinda shows they are pretty desperate…
You got to admit…
Yeah - the number that will hate us will always be there. Like I mentioned earlier, it is probably because of our abilities to live largely immoral lives and still manage to be materially better off than the middle easterners who follow their religion quite strictly but don’t seem to get anywhere.
The US has botched up numerous countries in the past, but none seem to hate us as much as the ME - I’m guessing what I wrote above could be cause.
Yep - the US is still the dominant force in Iraq, and it probably may need to change. It could also change if the reconstruction efforts move quickly and water treatment facilities, sewage areas, etc. aren’t being bombed.
EDIT: RB - ok, the urgency is there then. Let’s get more troops in
EDIT: You can’t expect jobs for the common uneducated Iraqi just yet. We just barely are in the process of training new police forces using Iraqis. Overall, the Iraqi citizen is probably doing what he did before the war…nothing much. But having them doing “nothing much” is going to fuel more extremists though.
i don’t think iraqis are dimwits and are much more capable with their hands than 80% of the ‘developed’ countries. I’m talking about giving them reconstruction jobs not hitech nor oil refineries job, just building roads bridges, school, hospitals, creating farms, making something out of nothing.
common uneducated Iraqi just yet
It’s sort of degrading what you say - just because they didn’t have the modern western XXI century education doesn’t mean that they can’t help rebuilding a country that’s actually theirs - rather than giving 'simpler 'jobs to american manpower.
Yeah - they can and should do those tasks. I am not trying to be degrading, but that is largely the truth. Decades of no education does make them uneducated from a Western point of view.
I couldn’t find anything on google, but many probably are working on the labor-intensive tasks. After all, I don’t think the construction workers are being flown from the US or elsewhere.
Reconstruction has been slow with the military conflicts still. No company wants to send representatives to look at potential business opportunites when fighting still goes on.
by western standarts, I assume iraqi education is not too high. Its not absent, but not many get the chance to go to baghdad university.
But they do have a university, they do have schools, and hospital, so education is not an alien thing to them. Education must ( I assume) suffered under Saddam ( I dont know how he manipilated history and political info, I just assume he did) But even then, we have a large pool of people that want to be educated or can be educated to be quickly able to compete easily with the smart people of the middle east, if not the world.
But again, they face other problems; the resistance, agents form other countries, and there is always cultural conflict as well as Islamic religion sometimes, well limits education, esspecialy in the medical field.
Kirupa that is not the only reason that the Middle East hates the US, if that was, then they would hate Canada, Britain, France, Germany, etc… There is the fact that the US is not a super power, they are a hyper-power… They are soooo much more advanced militarily than anyone else in the world, and because of this they will always (wether justified or not) be seen as the bully.
The education level was high, we all know that Iraq was the cradle of civilization, and that the Islamic civilization of the middle ages was extremely advanced and well educated. It has been a very rough century for the middle east, and their lack of education is obvious, but that is not to say that they can’t be highly intellegent people.