did you found any?
did you found any?
I’d say give them some time Guig0 =) There is a reason Iraq horded chemical weapon suits, so until the government or an outside idependent source confirms there are no weapons of mass destruction, I think we won’t know for certain.
Kirupa :beard:
how much time they need?
I guess dubbya forgot to check in saddm´s pockets for WoMD
WoMD aren´t things you can easily stash´n hide away, you know…they´re big and you need a hole facility to preserve them functional.
I think they are more worried about chemical weapons such as anthrax that are very portable. I don’t think saddam has any other types of weapons =)
more like, weapons of mass distraction.
I think the large sized portion of the WMD is the rocket to carry the biological warhead…
They’ve already found lots of empty containers (rockets for lack of a better term), and the bio weapons could be manufactured on the move…
I’m not saying they are there, that they had them recently, but I am saying let’s give them a while. Iraq is not that small of a country (not Brazil, or US, but the size of California) …
Man pinx, you are so hilarious !!! You are so right, Saddam has no weapons of mass destraction…
yep, biological weapons are very portable, but without the proper facility to preserve and produce them, they last for a very short period.
All facilities found in Iraq, were found before the war, and all of them where disfunctional…
[edit] oh… and they didn´t used any in this war… and if they have any, for what they are saving them?
*Originally posted by c!rYx *
**Man pinx, you are so hilarious !!! You are so right, Saddam has no weapons of mass destraction… **
i’m not sure if you’re sarcastic or what?
let the oil pour…
not oil… word domination.
it´s primary about money, then world domination to keep the money flow.
yes but you need oil for world domination. it all starts from there.
oil = money
money isn´t just oil
Im sure that we would’ve ‘found’ something by now, if we were ever going to.
In fact, I have come to believe that this apparent lack of WMD is being used to get more people around the world to hate America, and its oppressive ways… Why you ask? Its simple. Our government can easily strip our rights from us if we believe that they are protecting us from foreign aggression. If we continue to piss off the world’s countries, our government will have a long list of ‘reasons’ to sacrifice our rights…No enemies, no strippy-strippy… Got it??
yeah it’s always like: why are we going to war? answer: because our national security is threatened.
national security is the answer to everything. sarcasm–> i don’t think i’ve ever felt more secure in my life.
Iraq (Saddam) has used biological weapons on people before…case closed.
there’s no need to find a stock pile…
he used them…he has them… and can make more as needed…or should we put him back in power so he can continue his mass grave collection…
gpdesigner: if it is a crime to use WMD, should it not also be a crime to furnish madmen with those same WMD? Do a search and find out where and when Saddam got his anthrax stockpiles from. I’ll save you the time. The United States. When he was using these weapons, we either supported him, or looked the other way. Any way you slice it, we allowed him to do this. ‘Why would we do such a thing’ you ask? Because we can.
I understand your frustration… it’s no secret to me, I know where everyone get’s thier goodies from… trust me. I am the person who would like to see AIM remove the faces at Mt Rushmore… but uncle sam will do what uncle sam has to do… to make it possible for people to do cool things like have discussions on the internet… and smoke pot and protect the 1 percent…
and so on and so fourth… keep the passion just be realistic<:}
You obviously do not see things that way that i do, and thats your perogative. I’d like to think that i maintain a certain degree of realism with my passion. You on the other hand, think its bad for madmen to use WMD, but that its a necessary evil for the US to sell WMD to madmen… If thats realism, then i’ll have none of it.
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