They say the closest ones to ya

They say the closest ones to ya, be the ones that sneak up behind ya and stick the knife through ya…

well, proven again, in this world, when all comes down, it’s every man for itself…

there’s this girl i’m really into, and as usual, i like to take it really slow, going out, catch a movie, just spending a lot of time together. and things were really working out well, have a lot of fun together and stuff. and yesterday i took her, one of my best friends and his sister to a club. because i don’t know the girl that long, my best friends has never met her, so it was the first time he saw her, but he knew i was really into her.

so we were about 3 hours there, my friend got to know the girl a bit better, they went for some drinks when suddenly the girl walks to me and she said my friend kissed her. i was like; wtf?!?. so when he noticed the girl wasn’t really interested in him, he started kissing up like a b*tch so i was like: nigga please :S and i did some “talk to the hand”-moves.

girl is still on my side, so no problem there, but now i need some ideas to screw him right back, he’ll be sorry he stabbed me in the back, i can tell ya that. just anything you can come up with is welcome :slight_smile: i’m glad i finally know who my real friends are…