§§§§:This has to happen:§§§§

…i am more confused then ever before

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**the igloos’ always open! **


*Originally posted by xxviii *
**crap… me and my stupid **

haha :P.

a Konvention would be great, but we are all so separated across the world that it would be hard to come to a single location.

how bout we just chill at kirupa’s crib in Alabama if you can make it?

haha i will bring my computer so then i can have fun and still chat on kfroums. haha

sweet home Alabama! :slight_smile:

that´s not fair you all live near each other, how about the other ppl??

lets meet in a neutral place like… like… BRASIL! it will be twice as cool, we will have fun geting to know each other, and to know a exotic tropical country… what you think about that? huh?

boston is a tropical place (cough cough) :stuck_out_tongue:


Yo, alex where do you live bro? Boston is like um 2hrs from here ('corse i am a Yankee fan myself). how about, well, um, idonno! but i do know this, a bunch of us will be walking with laptops and we will all have our cell phones hookced up to the laptops so that we can get online and post on the forums. lol i can just picture that pushes up imagenary glasses

If you were being serious, Atlanta would probably be the best. Biggest airport ever, far from SARS, far from France, and close to me :). Yet, I’m not going, something about meeting people from the internet scares me.

i’ll host a convention at my house in croatia, it’s big, lots of room and i’m going there june 30-july 31. after great discussions about the various facets of web design,etc. we can all drink and be merry!! dance dance party!!!

Haha this would be so cool, but everyones arguing about where to go! I think Kirupa should decide, it would be cool to meet everyone :beam:

  • Soul :s:

I think we should meet @ syko’s house…

that way we could triple the population of Estonia, all at once…



*Originally posted by redViper *
**are you crazy? those japanese gots sars. and those freeky masks. :cyclops: **

SARS and this: http://yatta.punk.net/~duncan/media/yatta/yatta(7.7M).asx

*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**Yo, alex where do you live bro? Boston is like um 2hrs from here ('corse i am a Yankee fan myself). how about, well, um, idonno! but i do know this, a bunch of us will be walking with laptops and we will all have our cell phones hookced up to the laptops so that we can get online and post on the forums. lol i can just picture that pushes up imagenary glasses **

i live some some what close to boston, i dont want to put the exact location though:) :nerd:

i feel the same way, i live just north of Hartford and just south of Agawam (which is just south of Sprinfield, which its like 20minz from Woster, which i think is just south of Boston)

i live atleast 2 hrs away from boston,

man then you are not close to boston! lol! like me! do you live in Ma? or VT or NH? or…CT?

MA, its sorta close :stuck_out_tongue:

gotta be Springfield…huh (?)

How about each different region gets a meeting of it’s own. Guig0 and fellow brazillian kirupians can get together, london kirupians, american kirupians and so on… :stuck_out_tongue: