This masking effect

Can someone please show me how to make this effect?

Please refresh until you see the animation with the masking effects-

I’ve seen tutorials on this before but I cant find them now… :*(

a simple tween of a duplicate photo will do the trick. I’ve seen it done two ways… offset the masked picture (from the original’s position) or scale it slightly to provide the adequate look

perhaps you can point me in the right direction please?
is there a tutorial on how to make masks first? I’m still fairly new with all this flash stuff… :sigh:

Thanks Iammontoya =)

er… sorry… the masking u talking abt is the main picture that is changing? or the menu picture rollover?

the main picture changes with alpha properties shld be doable
the menu just use on rollOver and rollOut and move the picture up and down accoringly… no?

I’m with Iammontoya on this. the pic offset either by position or
by size. It’s smoothness is coming from an alpha setting, for sure.