This sux

Ever since I have decided to do freelance work I have been flooded with requests from fliers to cd’s and I ameven going to do a dvd. Not to mention websites. My site will once again have to be postponed. Man I need a partner. This irratating…I just cant say no to money…

Sorry ya’ll I was just venting

a partner eh…? :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, I have several websites lying and waiting for me too… not to mention my own… (argh)…

I know how you feel 3D, I got greedy and tried to do all the work myself and now I’m juggling multiple projects at once and it’s killing me. I got a partner, but he’s up to his neck with work as well. =(

A huge calandar… I’d highly suggest that you guys invest in one of these…

You are going to get alot of freelance work boggluing up your much needed time and it might later on screw you out oif doing good work…

I’d suggest writing in the calandar when you get offers on certain days to do them… Talk wiht your client to find out when they need it done and the such and schedule it in with the other programs…

Make it easier for yourselves guys and you won’t need a partner as badly… Albeit… I have a couple of guys to backme up if need be arises.

Well I have one in my planner, so my projects are lined up back to back. Even while I’m posting on this forum, I’m waiting for some renders to finish on my mac, as soon as those finish, I’m back to work.

The thing that is really bad is that I have a full time demanding programming job… So I am literally on my cpu all day. BUt the money is so good…and tax free!! it is so hard to do negotiations, graphics design, layout design and program. But I think I will get the hang of it. You are right I need to invest in a calendar. I try to use project 2000…but…I may go up to the University and see if can get a college student that needs alil cash to help out.

what did you use for that pic on ?

i know how you all feel i have soo many sites to work on. and they all want it now. its harder to get it done when i have soo much home work…

j/k no one wants a web site around this neck of the woods.

*Originally posted by morse *
**what did you use for that pic on ? **

Morse, that looks like the use of metaballs in a 3d program.

Actually it is not metaballs. I did that using swift v3.

It actually would have been easier to use metaballs, but I like swift so I use it when I can.

dag yo! i would like a simple simple site job…but i just dont feel like getting my site done…i just want to learn so much…