what do you guys think of this freelance internet media?
Well the design i like…but…hmm… well i realized this so sorry in advance for seeming to put your post down again but… well see for yourself if you notice anything familiar…
** and then choose ‘MTA019’ a couple inches down the screen.
:love: ~Seretha
p.s. No I am not attempting to be an *** but I just think its funny (and a little deja vu – http://www.kirupaforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16348 --)
Oh my god I thought I’ll never hear that sound loop again. It’s the one I used for my proj last year, called Enigmated 1 pop
Haha… And it’s the same loop that Ybedesign is using…
it’s used here too
i think if there were a list of most used sound loops in flash, that one would be near the top
I’m sick of hearing flashkit loops even though I have some on my site as well. :-\
Good thing I’m switching over to a mp3 player. =)
As for the site, there isn’t really much to critique on, but the layout is pretty clean and organized.
The only thing I don’t like is the popup window and the bold text. I think it would look cleaner if the text was just regular and not bold.
Also simplicity is good, but I think the splash page needs a little be more, maybe a bigger logo or some type of graphic to make it more interesting.
Other than those things, I think it’s okay, it could use more content as well. =)
To be honest, I never heard that loop before, but I don’t really like it anyway…
Simple, clean design for the rest.
I like the basics of the design. Increase the framerate tho, cuz all
the animation is slow and choppy.
Flashkit loops are fine, cuz most people have never heard them
before. Yes, you could be more original, but it fits and is fine IMO.
Good luck with it.
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