lol oh yea! You watching PBS too? lol =)
just finished…
lol rock on! =) thats too cool =)
He dies at the end you know…
Oh thanks for spoiling it for me!!! Its pointless to watch now!
lol jk =)
hehe yea. i know that =)
Just for the record, in science, nothing is proven, only disproven. THAT is a fact. Secondly, Einstein was thought a nut for years, then a genius, and now, his theories are being proved wrong again. I would not hold that Hawkins theories are absolute, and I doubt that he would either. He’s going off of the data that we have today, not the data that we may have in 20 years.
In our lifetime?, I doubt that we’ll have timetravel, but a scientist should never say never. (of course Edwin, I know you’re an artist, not a scientist, so I guess it’s ok that you say never. )
I agree with you 100% David, thats kinda what i was trying to say, but didnt quite make it that way =)
Science is ever changing with new theories and discoveries and i think its awesome that some of einsines theories are being disproven, not saying by doing so we make einstin a nut, but i mean it means the scientific community grows and builds on his fundmental theories. =)
Its awesome, i think we can achieve faster than light travel =)
So many posts in one night!!!
Last evening: there were none!
This morning: took me some time to read!
phil: You must be gifted. 2-3 minutes at a deja vu experience? The most mine have ever lasted is 2 seconds. Are you sure you weren’t on drugs or anything?
lol! I’m not on drugs 
Maybe it was about 1 minute but I felt like it was about 2 minutes. Maybe because like lost said that he knew what was going to happen. I knew that, too…
I love deja vus. so cool
You know if you were millions of lightyears away from earth and you had a telescope or something with what you could zoom in so much that you can see a man standing on earth you then could see the dinosaurs and them creatures that lived here millions of years ago!
Cool isn’t it
vuja day, the feeling like you’ve absolutely never done this “before.”
lol… that last post was more appropriate than I realized before I saw that you beat me to my post… now it all makes sense.
np Phil… and thanks for recognizing that I’m objective. I do fail from time to time, but I try very hard to remain so.
It’s easier for me, of course, being one who believes in extraterrestrial intervention in human history. It is not, after all really far off from creationism.
ive had many of those. I have theories on deja-vu…
it comes from french meaning “Expirence again” (or somthing liek that)
My theory is this…
Our body subconsciously picking up small things, like sight, sound touches, and smells etc…
It stored these in our memory and sometimes keeps it there for sometime.
Everytime we expirence dejavu, some sight, smell , sound etc triggers these memories. When we get this feeling our brain tries to rationalize what happened, and so thus telling yourslef you’ve been here before or heard that before. Maybe we did , just didnt pick up on it, and i think expirences happen again and again, because we’re in a daily routine (most of us) etc. =)
Thats my theory =)… ( i should write a book lol)
that pick is bugging the heck out of me =) keeps flickering… aK!
ahh bit better, but i dont like 1 frame movements lol
back to the thread: It might be interesting to note that to VIEW the past may not be the time travel that every scifi nut wishes for, but it is still time travel. It may be possible to travel faster than light, out to distant stars, then view the light of earth from there, allowing us to view our own past. There is nothing paradoxical about it, or even difficult once you break the light barrier. With the object lessons of folded space being examined in superstring theories, the idea of FLT is not that difficult a concept to grasp.
Time travel may very well be possible in a way which Hawkins is not discribing.
Yea i find that to be true. Since light does take millions of years to reach one point hehe
I think if i was in the future and could travel to distant planets etc, i’d want to see our earth just for curious sakes =)
My brain is shutting down, im thinking scientific fact such as,
“a rock is hard” is very intriguing lol that means i need sleep =)
david: i agree :). FTL is possible electron tunneling is one of the ways. but there are problems with sending information/matter faster than light. wormholes are the famous escape routes but who knows if we’ll ever be able to create them. as far as timetravel i say its impossible because, say u have to mouths of a wormhole…u take one mouth and leave it stationary, the other is put on a space ship at relative speed so that significant time dilation kicks in, since the two mouths are 1 in a way, the travel time between both of them is 0 but since they are each in like their own “timezones” it can be thought of as a time mahcine. Problem is that particles between the mouths going back in time create a feedback type effect that produces: a. a lot of radioation and much stress on the wormhole that it collapses it. even if you could go back in time, you wouldnt be traveling back to the original universe u strated with, it would be a parallel universe. a branch of the original.(multiverse theory). i think that fundamentaly the universe’s arrow of time is there as a constant. entropy does increase and in the end even the infamous black holes do evaporate.
btw this is an interesting article on the origins of the universe(pre-bigbang)
now now Phil, this is God’s creation and it’s beutiful even in it’s current delapitated state.
as for your theory, for once you and I can agree on the nature of ‘god’. As a ‘patron to the Akastic records’ my belief is that all spirit is part of god’s essence, and when existing in only that place, we are all left outside of the dimension which we call ‘time’. Either way, there’s hope that each and every man will be able to view all of history from his place at god’s side (or in my case, as god)
i recommend you guys buy " Neon Genesis: Evangelion" considered by many to have on of the most controvetial and compelling storylines ever, about god, humanity and humans. and the aimation is soo top notch!
That is a good article Edwin. It does a fairly descent job of describing something that is pretty beyond the majority of us.
Oh yeah… I forgot to mention my theory on Deja-vu… silly me.
It is entirely possible (and likely probable) that Deja-vu is nothing more than chemical reaction.
This is not to say that there is no such thing as telepathy, empathy, or any other sort of mental extra sensory/manipulative powers. Even if one does subscribe to any of these things as a possibility it does not mean that every little feeling that people get from time to time are messages from the cosmos, or temporal site. Some people may experience something which is akin to sensing the future, but in general, people feel things all the time. Chemical reactions occur on their own, dependent upon outside data and or because of trauma to the body. In addition, each genetic sample is prone to, or excluded from some of the chemical reactions. All this adds up to a wide assortment of possible feelings and emotions for each individual.
The problem I find with this explination is that it does not take into account the wide assortment of people who experience the same, or similar feelings of a particular nature, like ‘Deja-vu’. There is always the possibility of ‘mass hysteria’. Probebly I would find a good explination for the effect if I looked hard enough into the anthropology of man. I find almost all mental quirks can be traced back into instinctual periods in man’s developement.
i dont remember which SJ journal it was, but they had a snipet about how deja vu and also thinking that you dreamed something tat happened was indeed caused by a chemical reaction in the brain. i forget the exact details, sorry this was years ago.