Anyway, I saw Spiderman and while it was a good movie I wouldn’t give it 10 on 10.
I mean, the casting was pretty well perfect (except maybe Kristen Dunst as Mary Jane. She was good, but she wasn’t the PERFECT Mary Jane… Not like the way Toby McGuire was the perfect Peter Parker…), and the web slinging was mind blowing, but I’d still only give it about 7.5.
First of all, the dialogue was average at best. It wasn’t bad like Scorpion King or anything like that, but it was only “comic book movie” good. It was only what I expected. Again, still good, but to get a 10 out of 10 with me you need something along the lines of American Beauty or Fight Club. Spider Man was mostly just corny crap like: “You know who I am! Your friendly neighbourhood Spider Man!” (God, Mary Jane fell in love with THAT loser?).
Well, actually, that’s not true. It was GOOD dialogue, it just wasn’t exceptional dialogue.
But the real problem is essentially how I viewed it. Instead of watching from the perspective of a modern man, I viewed it the way my kids and their kids will view this movie, and it basically became Godzilla.
The first most obvious reason in The Green Goblin’s costume. He looked about as silly as Sauron did in Lord Of The Rings when he was dancing around in front of the volcano making the one ring. People are going to watch movies from this era and classify us as lovers of really dumb looking villans.
The problem I’m sure less people noticed, though, (in fact I’ve heard others say the exact opposite) is that they’re so “in your face” about the special effects that really aren’t that good - from a futuristic point of view, that is. They’re about as good as we can get today, but 10 to 20 years from now they’ll be a joke.
By this I mean that it was obvious whenever they went in to CG. In my opinion, anyway. It struck me that the directory saw Final Fantasy and said, “Hey, we don’t even NEED stunt men anymore! We’ll just make our actors randomly turn 3d!”. Simply put, he was wrong. I realise that it would be opposible to make without the CG, but whatever. Godzilla was impossible to make without action figures.
Of course, I’m just nitpicking the smallest most insignificant problems because Upuat’s already praised it to the heavens. In reality I think it was a good movie and would probably see it again - 7.5 out of 10, as I said. Just saying that it’s not perfect.
But, again, I probably would have liked it 10X more if I hadn’t looked at it from a futurist point of view. I ruined the movie for myself the way you’d ruin a movie by constantly predicting what’s going to happen next, except with 10X more ruining power.