**FREE Online Cartoon Strip Creator
** Arise all you latent artists who’ve burned with creative ideas but did not have the skills to do so.
** ToonDoo **is a unique way to get creative and expressive with cartoons. You can now create your own cartoon strips, share them with the rest of the world or insert them in your blogs with just a few clicks and drag-n-drops!
Taking off from the web 2.0 movement of user generated content, ToonDoo promises to take expressing to the next level where colorful characters, uploaded images and other cool features breathe life into the way the world blogs and expresses itself.
You can:
· Customize characters, props and speech bubbles
· Create 1, 2 or 3-panel comic strips
· Upload pictures and photographs
· Choose from nearly 400 characters, props and backgrounds
· Embed in blogs and websites
· Share, mail, recommend and bookmark your comic strips
My most favorite strip is