Trailer Voice

So, I was bored today, and decided to record my self. I was trying to sound like one of those guys in the trailers… :slight_smile:


[SIZE=“1”](i didnt say the “bond, james bond” at the end btw)[/SIZE]

It was jsut a random line that I thought they would say in the trailers… .then I decided to add music :slight_smile:

Not at all… sry.

Wasn’t it Prettyboy that has that voice?

Excellent. :thumb:

The last little bit seems a little bit awkward… a bit like a kids show narrotor (reminds me of the Pixar future movie thing, what was it called?).

lol yeah… i was trying to do like he did lol

thaks nokrev :slight_smile:

Nice :D! Did you record in a studio? or just a regular mic?
Sounds pretty cool, but in the beginning you overdid a few words.


yes, it was Prettyboy. i loved that thread. :love:

hey, this might help you: :beam:

no studio, just inmy room with a SLR condenser mic. And yeah i did… like “exelency” lol

Heheh… I used a real live Trailer Narrator for one of my… err… trailers :stuck_out_tongue:

Hehe cool :moustache