Voice Clips

Hello all,

So redGolgi asked me to record some vioce clips for her site revamp: the following is the result.


If anyone enjoys my vocal stylings I’d be happy to lay some stuff down for you.

P.S. her site revamp isn’t done yet, but be on the lookout for it.


Haha… that reciper was good=)

Yes reciper is one of my favs, but you kind of need to listen to recipe first to fully appreciate me botching it up.

I think I’m going to talk in that voice and use phrases like hell’s own kitchen in my day to day conversations.

I would highly recommend it:thumb:

Some Person: Hey how’s it going?

Me: Today is the day the battle begins. Hell’s own kitchen has spawned a new beginning, and for all human kind a new end… I’m doing fine thanks.

Haha, hilarious

weee! Ethan has a deep sexeh voice! :beam: :love:

Wow, you sound nothing like what I expected. :stunned:

ugh! I’m in love with his voice :love:

He should be doing film trailer voice overs. :slight_smile:

whoa dude thats friggin awesome what apps did you use and do you have like a professional microphone??

yeah you would be good for voice overs. these are so funny, the reciper was so funny :trout:

now, which accent is fake ? - heh?

they’re both convincing :!:

ahh I love all you people!! :love:

Well as for my professional recording studio. I used microsoft Sound Recorder Version 5.0. which comes standard with windows 2000. And I used a microphone that came with my dell 4 years ago. I think red is going to add some reverb and needed effects when she uses them for her site.

I’d love to do film voice overs. Maybe I should talk to Soul about doing some trailer work for him.

As for accents, I couldn’t get any of my others to work that day. I’m perfecting my aussie and my owen wilson. The “in the computer” one is somewhere between owen wilson and Shaggy from Scoobie Doo.

Kit, what did you expect?

I’m not quite sure what I expected, but I know that I was surprised. :slight_smile:

Haha! Awesome stuff!! :thumb: I’ll let you know when I need you for a film voice over, I think I will :slight_smile:

  • Soul :s:

Ethan, it sounds good, but the microphone quality is killing you. Especially the air bursts. Maybe you should invest in microphone, you do have a good voice.


Yo Ethan nice voice man… what are you a pro on commercial for radio and TV? I epsecially like reciper.mp3 <-lol :thumb:

hehe, comic, yeah, everytime i got frustrated yesterday in the hours and hours of late night labor, i stuck on recipier and pissed myself laughing…