Troubled with actionscript's -- IF -- need help

Hello guys over there.

I’m really really troubled about trying to make this codes work… i have 5 buttons… each one has an animation, using telltarget.
I’m trying to use it, to make dissapear the loaded menu item… but when i click on one of these buttons, al the other button’s dissparearing animations, play… i think that i must use, if… but don’t know how to do it… PLEASE can someone help me?


first off you shouldn’t be using telltarget in MX, secondly I dont really understand what you’re problem is, if you posted the .fla it would be much more clear and I could explain the action script to you.


Well… there it is… i don’t know how to handle this…

k, i sent it in another Thread

There was no need to create a whole new thread to attach a file to, you could have easily done it in a reply to this thread.

well, actually, i don’t know how to make this thing work…

I have 5 buttons, and the button 1 and 2, have animations, using telltarget.
When you hit the first one, you get the items. then, when you hit another one, i want to tell to the “dissapear” animation to play… but it is messy, ‘cause all of the dissapearing animations play at the same time. i want to make dissapear, only the button that was showing it’s contents before. DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO! :’(

And try this…

[AS]on (release) {

The dot syntax replaces the annoying tellTarget syntax.

well… i don’t manage to good this forum things :stuck_out_tongue: i’m sorry :smiley:

thanx for that, i didn’t knew it… but the point is… when i hit one button it will play all of the animations… not the “last button’s dissapear animation…” i wonder if “IF” is the solution?