Trying to do this

Hey anybody have an idea how this was done. The grid up in the header how it is curved and stuff.

I thought it would be easy but I cannot get it. Post a link to a tut if you know of one. Or fill me in.

have you tryed just filling a layer or something with a grid then just pinching it with the perspective transform tool?

thats all i can think of

yeah but it totally destroyed the line quality.

If you’ve got any vector art tools I think both freehand and illustrator have deform tools that can make this effect, that way you’d be able to keep the line quality because it isn’t raster. If you haven’t got any vector tools how about using a 3d prog and rendering a wireframe view of a plane and using some modifiers on it. A little harder to get the effect but I’m sure you could get there. You could render it as a tif or png to keep the alpha channel.

3D, you can also create an extremely large grid, distorting it with Filter > Distort > Wave in photoshop and then reduce or crop it down to whatever size you want.

hmmmm thanks guys never thought of doing it in FW or FH. I am actually going to try E-Geeks way also. Thanks ya’ll


lovely footertext there 3d-iva :stuck_out_tongue:

a bit crude perhaps, but hella funny :stuck_out_tongue:

i whipped this up in a few mins using vector blends…

the red lines on each set are the two i blended between, then i just combined my two blends to form the finished thing… with a bit more refinement i think it would look similar to the netscape one, and you can retain your line quality

(of course, you wouldn’t be able to do it in Pshop)

and sorry about the crap quality jpg…


thanks eilsoe: I was having a bad day that day building the query string from hell

Hey Pie what proggy did you use and would you mind giving a lil more detailed explanation. Pleeeez…eilsoe will pay his weight in Gold…heehee

k, well i use an uncommon program called Canvas, which is kinda integrated vector and raster…

but for the purposes of this illy or maybe even freehand would be ok (i don’t know if they have the same commands)

the final product is made of those two curve things placed over each other… now for each of those, the process is pretty much the same

first, draw the two outside lines ( i coloured them red so you could see). Then, you have to blend them… i don’t know what it’s called in other programs, but it’s just a blend between objects (in this case the two curves). So, when you’ve done that, you should have one of the fan-like things

when you look at their image, you can sorta imagine two main groups of lines (going in different directions) so i just try to create those two groups

do the same again, but draw the curves differently so that the resulting shape will criss-cross properly with the first one… hard to explain.

then just put one of the fan thingys over the other.


I just can’t find out how to achieve the effect

can you make the fan-like objects? because once you create those, it’s just a matter of playing around with the shapes of the curves…


ill keep at it. I think I know what you mean. Dang I must be losing my mind I cannot recreate this effect. Thanks anyway pie.

even if you DO loose your mind, you’ll still be better than a l ot of us at 3d stuff :beam: