Tutorial-3D Spikey Ball

This awsome 3D spike ball came be made in less than 30 seconds and is one of the most awsome things you will ever see! :smiley:

  1. Create a new document 500x500 with a transparent background. **Press D ** to reset the colors

  2. Fill the layer with** Black**

  3. On the same layer, create a perfect circle marquee and go Filter > Render > Clouds.(Make a perfect circle marquee by pressing shift when making it)


  1. Go Stylize > Extrude and use the following settings:

Type: pyramids
**Size: ** 20 pixels
Depth: 255 Random

  1. You are basically done at this point. Go Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation and enter the following settings:

These settings are my favorite and can be changed in any way.
Hue: 209
Saturation: 69
**Lightness: ** 0
Colorize: yes

Yay you are done!


Change the Extrude settings around to get different spikes!

You can see a finished example on my Sig…

What do you guys think of it?