Hey all!
Firstly, I would like to apologise for posting this message here, But I really would appreciate some help, and most new users dont visit the ‘design site’ forum.
So, please forgive me.
right, I have some exciting news!!!
I’m making a tutorial site on Java, Flash MX, Frontpage, and Visual Basic(A friend has taken up this one).
Once i have these up, I’ll be adding ones on Fireworks MX, Poser, Dreamweaver MX and a few others (some will be made by friends ).
You can visit the site(however, only the opening is on) at:
If you wish to participate in contribution, comments, opinions etc please do visit my forum at:
All published tutorials WILL be copyrighted to their respective owners. I will NOT claim work that is not mine. So please do give it a thought!
I am currently on a friends server - there are no ads in my site now - , so i have most options available. If the site is a success i will purchase a proper domain and a large amount of space.
or you can email me at: sandeep_kp1@hotmail.com