Two Doors

I’d say the answer to the first question can be derived from watching the movie, ‘Labyrinth’ But then again the thought of David Bowie’s Eighties hair sends me back down into the depths of insanity…

Here is another riddle u might have heard.

What is weightless
You can see it
And if u put it in a barrel it will make it lighter.

Any ideas. It is a hard one but if you’ve heard it before it is quite easy.:slight_smile:

Ermmmm, a hole.

But that riddle was said in another thread called “The Barrel”, so did you change the answer to this and now it is no longer a hole?

Crap didn’t see the other thread. Oh well there goes my one good riddle.:frowning: When was that thread posted?

probably while you were in “Vice City”

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


The truth is always so funny:P

sometimes if they are on a tee, I can’t resist taking a whack at it…

