Two Doors

Heres another riddle! ^^ There are two doors, one leads to hell, the other to… some place happy ^^. You have one question you can ask the doors. One of the doors lies, while the other tells the truth (yes, their talking doors!). What is your one question to ask them to figure out which door leads to the happy place? :o

Will the other door say you are the door to a happy place?

Truth Door: the other door would say hes the door because he lies
Lieing Door: the other door whould say it was him, but i lie so i say its me! :o

(you got it kindof right… the question should be a little more like this: if you were the other door, which whould you say is the door to the happy place? :smirk: )

I would ask any of the doors “What color is my hair?”, well then I could tell which one is lying, because I know the color of my own hair :stuck_out_tongue:

But even if you know which ones in the liar you still dont know what door disney land is behind. You only get 1 question remember.

x.o… they dont have eyes, they just talk, so ha :stuck_out_tongue:

good point…

Oh, I misread the question. I didn’t see the part about the happy place.

But then you don’t know which door is lying. You could ask the door which leads the happy place, but it could tell you that it is the door that leads there.

heres their responses…

Door1: I go to the happy place!
Door2: No, i go to the happy place!


I dont think theres any other answer then the one i put in the post from before

the doors are indestructable x.o either way, where whould you find a fire axe in a room with nothing in it :stuck_out_tongue:

well, they are now -_- heres another riddle :). whats something you can swallow, but it can swallow you too?

im hungry :smirk: me go eat now

nope ^^

your pride…


nope, wanna know the answer? :smirk:



A cannibalistic human who taste like chicken… mmm… chicken.

Bumped, Out of curiosity, FireDrake You there?