Two scrollpane instances with different skins

I’ve got two scrollpane instances on the stage and must have two different skins for each.

What I’ve tried so far:

  1. Importing hallo/sample .fla into the project library and adjusting skin clips - changes both instances.

  2. the example given in Flash manual, ie. adjusting clips in the theme and using their new linkage identifiers to assign them to skin properties of the component instance.

The manual says that scrollpane uses RectBorder and UIScrollBar classes.
So I’ve checked UIScrollBar properties and tried to assign a new skin clip to skin property of one of the scrollpane instances on the stage:

upArrowUpName = “my_new_up_arrow”;

my_new_up_arrow - linkage from a new clip, the skin clip is exported in the 1st frame

But it has NO influence on the scrollpane when launching the movie.

The example given in the manual was about a Radiobutton and it works perfectly fine:
trueUpIcon = “MyRadioTrueUp”;

I tried analogy with a scrollpane but there must be some differences between them the manual does not explain.

Any clue?