Ulty Site

I am making a website for my Ultimate Team Urban Sprawl. Please let me know what you think of it so far. I am mainly worried about download speeds and whether my preloaders are working. I have a fairly fast connection so I have a hard time telling how slow it will be for 56k 'ers. Also I had some trouble with the site crashing ie but I think it has been resolved, but let me know if you have any trouble.

Urban Sprawl

Please note that the content is still being worked on but is basically just writing up a txt file. I am also planning on adding sound but that can be accomplished lastly.

Also if you would like to learn more about the great game of Ultimate some great sites includeupa.org and the [URL=http://www.wfdf.org]world flying disc federation.



It didn’t load the first time, I just got a white block with a blue border :-\

So I refreshed… and that tween in the background is killing your movie. It is distracting too. I think you should remove it, your movie will run smoother (you also may need to up the FPS rate) and be less distracting.

I like how the menu worked, that was interesting.

I had to reload the page too, to get it working so you might want to see what’s up with that.

Next, that 3D animation going on in the background is a processor killer even though it runs okay on my comp, but I’m sure it’s choppy on slower comps.

As for the layout, I think if you reduce the stroke on the boxes then things would look better. Also some more colors or graphics would be nice too. Some better looking buttons would be nice as well instead of plain text buttons.

The transitions between section to section is a bit too long and slow so try to shorten it and smooth it out.

Good luck. =)

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Next, that 3D animation going on in the background is a processor killer even though it runs okay on my comp, but I’m sure it’s choppy on slower comps. **

It is extremely choppy on my system (750mhz 128mb ram) and it makes the whole site choppy too.

i couldn’t even see it :frowning:

tried refreshing the page … closing and opening again … nope. didn’t work :-\

i had to refresh too for some reason :-/

the thing in the background is smooth but the menu is a bit slow, maybe its the thing in the background thats slowling it down. i agree with electron that you should have maybe a different font button or something and slightly more color. everything else seems alrite for now :slight_smile:

Hi, just like all other peeps, page didn’t load at first time.
Mebbe u could also change the colour scheme.
Somehow the blue on the white bg is so so … (my opinion :).

Also … for the blue border, try a pixel bevel or pixel border.

The animation in back is pretty kewl though …


Hmm, well that is disappointing. I’m looking into that refresh problem, not sure what it could be. It sounds like that animation is a goner too, oh well I thought it would be cool but I guess not (especially if its slowing down the site).

Thanks for all of your feedback


sama here…
those guys above me have said it all…