Unemployed.. Ouch

*Originally posted by telekinesis *
**Don’t break a nail. . . **


Not you jubba. . . .I am talking about Mr. Heat Stroke.

I live in Arizona, heat is nothing!

thank you?

lol yeah good point. I’m actually moving to Arizona in a couple years… I’m looking forward to the heat. I’m sick of all this freakin’ snow…

but it’s a dry 120 degrees…


*Originally posted by Jubba *
**lol yeah good point. I’m actually moving to Arizona in a couple years… I’m looking forward to the heat. I’m sick of all this freakin’ snow… **
When you do hit me up nukka. . . .

Fa shizzly mah nizzly!

Rev… Good Point

So I’m gonna stop complaining now.
I’m going to get a bunch of applications tomorrow at like target and wal mart and super markets. :stuck_out_tongue: walmart… woo

Only if you promise to not talk like that! :wink:

[edit]Actually my g/f wants to come down next summer sometime, so I’ll be sure to let you know if we end up making it down there…[/edit]

I never talk like that :sure:

you just made me piss my pants… lol

ok man, you’re 16. I’ve worked food before and it’s not fun. I had worked at our local HyVee for 7 months and had asked for a raise like 3 times, but nothing. So I got a job designing websites as a student at the university. I gave a two weeks notice at this job, but the last day I just didn’t feel like going so I called in sick and went shopping instead. My manager was actually a real arsehole but he liked me and totally believed me that I was sick.

i did leave on good terms though, even if i lied at the very end. as long as they don’t see thru it, i wasn’t going to care. so don’t burn bridges in the future, you never know when you might need a good reference.

Hehe, Josh, you crazy American. You just have to stand for the bs while you work there. I know I came in a bit late in this convo, but still, suck it up man.:stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah the sucking has already taken place Max. Wow that was a bad sentence.

pinx, your totally right about the burning bridges. Now I don’t have a reference and have to start over at minimum wage. SIGH

In future, should you ever be in a spot where you believe your work conditions aren’t on the up&up … there is allways room for taking steps where your rights and safety are protected … (walking out is not one of them) …and you retain the backing of the labor commission wherever you live.

Every state has legislation/agency that protects workers (more so for minors)
…read up on the rules and know what you’re talking about including what are the acceptable actions/recourse for you to take before making a stand.

You know what? You have design skills… I suggest you start using them, and forget about ever working at a burger joint. Look at me, I got a pretty sweet job based on skills I started getting last december.

Thanks relandr and raf.

Believe me, I’m gonna start workin my *** off designing and stuff so I can actually get a job doing something I enjoy.

i got my first design job when i was 16, so i’m sure you can too.

We all have to start working our asses off…

Yes, yes we do