Hi every one, am not an expert in flash but with KIRUPA great site I managed to create a whole ‘simple’ but elegant website and its supposed to be didecated to my aunt and her art work, it was done months ago but still didn’t work ! why? a tiny problem thats moving from one scene to the other with just clicking buttons, I have this code on the button
on (release, releaseOutside) {
gotoAndPlay (“wall”, 1);
which is supposed to be taken me to the other scene called 'wall ’ but it didn’t ! I tried that a million times but it still wouldn’t work and then I got busy with life and left this subject on a side for a while but now am IMPARESSED cause I promised her and i didn’t finish it ! I want to finish this in anyway PLS HELP ME even if it was by posting the whole website site for any one of u who might be intersted just to correct this for me am sure its a simple tiny thing thats keeping me from publishing this website !
pls help me as soon as possible am so disperete now !
many thanks in advance