V for Vendetta

The story line is quite gripping and appeals to a ton of different movie viewer IMO. Really thought there would be more fight scenes based on the fact it was directed by the guy that did the Matrix Trilogy. Just saw it like 20minutes ago so i’d figure i’d tell about it.

[spoiler=Fight Scene]That last fight scene was amazing. They spent some time creating it I bet. He literly slices everyone of them lol.[/spoiler]

I haven’t seen it, and have no reason to. It just doesn’t seem appealing at all.

I saw it and thought it was amazing. BTW nokrev, it’s one of those movies where the commercials really don’t give anything away and don’t say much about the movie at all… Sooo yeahhh.

i thought it was really good!

i just saw the tv commercial…my parents won’t allow me to watch though. looks pretty cool, btw:)

critics have really savaged it over here though, might wait for the DVD

I saw it, it wasn’t at all what I expected it to be, but I did think that it was a realllly good movie. Much more of a suspensive/drama than a fighter like Matrix or sth.

I thought it was okay, was expecting more fighting and matrix style stuff. It was interesting though.

I haven’t seen it but I gotta say - why would the director make it similar to the Matrix? Then everyone would be complaining that it was just another Matrix-like movie.

I think it looks a little trite plot wise (maybe I’ve read too many 1984/Clockwork Orange type books) but I’ll probably rent it on video. :slight_smile:

I am gonna see it, I like movies like this. And hopefully the Matrix connection makes it better,

Oh BTW if ya’ll haven’t seen Domino, check it out. I really like this film, wish I would have saw it in the theatre.

I have only read the book, and though it was out of date as far as politics go, I think that it would fit into our world well in 2006. Wouldn’t worry about it being trite Lun, it may be an old story, but it’s relivance to todays politics will make it worth the time and money.

Glad it wasn’t a “fight” movie though. It wasn’t meant as a vehicle for action, but a vehicle for political change.

why would the director make it similar to the Matrix?

Dunno, but that’s what I wanted:P

I was pleasantly suprised by the actual story though.

“People shouldn’t be affraid of their governments, governments should be affraid of their people.” <-good quote.

Well that’s silly. Matrix was a bust all in all. Great potential, terrible story and acting.

The first one was good, are you thinking of the trilogy that shouldn’t have been made?

Well sometimes it’s ok for one of several connected movies to suck. I love highlander 1, for instance, and I will admamently refuse to accept the existance of any of the other highlander movies. However in that case the story was hardly a continuation. In the case of the matrix, number 1 was ruined by the existance of 2 and 3. Though… I would be hard pressed to say that number 1 was any good either. The acting in the first was still so bad that the only saving grace of the thing was the plot/writing/special effects. I’m sorry if it offends everyone’s sensibilities but Keanu is the worst thing to happen to acting. He sucks the life out of everything he does, destroying something that would otherwise be beutiful.

I will admit that for a long time I shared everyone else’s opinion of the greatness of these movies. But I now believe I was wrong to hold that opinion.

IMO the W brothers are not all that hot. People seem to give them some great credit even though the only thing they did right was steal the special effects from an Old Navy commercial and build it into a movie.

you know though… this is all just opinion… and I’m no great critic. If you like Matrix, hey, more power to ya. I’m glad you found something you like. There are much worse movies out there and I’ll try to spend my time poopooing them rather than the Matrix.

anyway the whole matrix things been said a thousand times before - its kind of over now…

i think V for Vendetta was fantastic. I wasnt expecting a matrix style film - it was clear that would be a ridiculous move…tho it did have a little of the matrix style flair in the very few fight scenes…

but i love the concept. it was brilliant - and believable - in todays world something like that could really happen. The analogies drawn were very harsh but very pertinent - its understandable why some people wont like it.

Its a brilliant film IMO.

Great Film, best thing I’ve seen in a long while.

Forget any matrix comparisons, this is a totally different kettle of fish, apart from hugo weaving obviously. If I ever get a choice of voices in a nother life, I’d possibly ask for this guys voice.

Portman and Fry put in awesome performances. Storyline was strong with a good social critique and something that could be plausible if…(don’t want to ruin the sotryline ;))

It was actually a nice take on London, apart from the dam stereotypical Londoner having to be Cockney, (The fingermen at the start) it was a all round goody.

Fight scenes a lot more subdued, well filmed with a good pace and not over done.

I’d give it 9 out of 10

[ot] Natalie Portman in the pink ballerina/school girl thing. OMG! :smiley: [/ot]

hooo yea :wink:

well you guys are talking about the director who made the matrix, well thing IS… it wasnt the same director as the matrix dudes. it was written by the 2 brothers who done the matrix, and they also produced it. it was directed by James McTeigue, well actually he was 1st assistand to the matrix movies and star was ep2, so i guess they gave him his opportunity to direct a film :slight_smile:

Hello, i just want to know if anyone here saw the new film of the Wachowski brothers. I still don´t see it, but it seems is really cool.
I really loved Matrix , but i think this is good too,
Anyone had seen it???
See you!!