Vote for The Best Entry!

*Originally posted by the noizer *
**another contest? yeah cool:P
but i’don’t understand"footer" :
does that mean i must write my sript with my foot :q: :o
:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: Un footer c’est l’animation qu’il y a en-dessous des messages. Au “pied” des messages, quoi.



Thanks everybody, et pour les francais merci:P
so this time it must be have a size(300*50?)
i think it’s more funny with flash , even a newbie designer can create a cool animated footer,no?

Of course! :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s all tweens! Unless you make a pure coded one…

The maximum size for footers on this forum is 300x60.

As long as it is a footer, it counts :stuck_out_tongue:

But we will decide that stuff later.

As for now… time to see who will win this contest.

Edit: Kirupa, if you want, I can post my .fla files. And supersatori… I <B>love</B> AI in flash, would you mind sending me the .fla if Kirupa doesn’t need you to post it? (no feelings will be hurt if you say no :slight_smile: )

Lost, when is the last time you updated your site?

Whew, its been a very long time since I last updated my site. September first I believe (…checking… yep, Sept 1st was my last update). May I ask why you ask?

Regarding the FLA files, should they be put into the open source section of the site so people can find out and learn from each other?

I will be having a footer competition soon, but it won’t be next week or anything lol. I will probably start it sometime next month or so, but don’t start submitting now!

Kirupa :rambo:

Why not make a “.FLA’s from contest” section or something? to be honust i never look at the open source part.
(i suck at spelling):*(

here comes the fla:
in fact… it has been there since the beginning but I didn’t remember :slight_smile:

I apologize in advance: the code is messy, there are no comments, and some function have been implemented but barely used… hope you won’t mind and it won’t have a bad influence influence on the vote (to my point of view :wink: )

Hey kirupa!

How do we decide and handle the “skill level” thing in this contest?

About the footers…how did you place it so near the line break? what html codes did you use? if you’ve seen mine, it’s way far down from the line break! :q:


ps. I’m voting!:slight_smile:

we should do newb, intermedite, advanced and pure code


Rahh!! Sato is gonna win!! [SIZE=1]kinda expected it though…[/SIZE] Well, at least he’s French, everything’s no lost :stuck_out_tongue:

About the footer thing… that will be… interesting.

pom :cowboy:

Don’t lose hope Pom! We still have a few more days before polling is done :slight_smile:

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW kirupa at it is said that two entries will win, so will there be 2 winners ? is there a copy of SW3D3 for each winner ? :slight_smile:

That’s right… Then why am I convinced that there’s only one winning entry? :q: :q:

Hey Lost!

No-one likes our entries… :frowning:

1 vote…

And I worked for days on it… sigh

Oh well… at least there’s a footer contest soon! :evil:

I am so sorry everyone. I changed the prizes because I decided to have another contest shortly with another copy of Swift to be won. I do apologize for that :frowning: I thought I changed it everywhere…but I must have forgotten that page :frowning:

Kirupa :-\

Eh, I don’t mind that no one likes my entries. Both Ilyas’ entry and Supersatoris entry rocked the most in my opinion (JUST MY OPINION!!!)

yeah they are pretty cool :slight_smile: