Who will be the tie breaker :cowboy:
Kit your castle was wild, was it done from a photograph?
Yeah, I used one of my old holiday snaps as a reference. One of the places I used to get taken on holiday to when I was a kid was up near Gloucester, and there was this old ruined castle. Used to love going there, and in the middle of this battle I suddenly remembered it and dug out my old photos. Had that next to me while I was drawing it.
Cool Kit. very original…
Soul - I voted a few days ago, but never posted why, and decided to add my coments, after i voted. Good Job everyone who entered…
26 - 26 , me and Soul :beam:
Kir, add it to the main page
a tie ?? :stunned: that’s not funny :sleep:
anyway … i guess it only proves that you both are great at this
Oh wow a tie, thats kinda cool :beam:
Congrats Eilsoe :bounce:
Well done everyone else too, I liked all the entries
This has got to be the biggest battle yet, most entries, most quality and most votes!
- Soul :goatee:
I can scarcely believe it… Although I have to say that it would have been impossible to choose between the two entries. Perhaps this is the fairest result in the end.
Actually, I think results from three battles need to be put up - this one, the cartoon characters one and the line art one. Are there any more that haven’t had the reults officially put up?
voting ended, thread died :-\
what gives??
oh, Soul, thx for the battle
it was scary in the end…
Haha yeh it was Eilsoe, but thats what makes a good battle…tension!
I suppose this way we’re both happy? :beam:
- Soul :goatee:
Oh and when do you think it will be added to the past winners?
- Soul :goatee:
I dunno, but we’re on the main page now :beam:
i made a castle and put it in Help Build Kirupaville long before this thread started. …wonder why i wasnt included,???
racist sheep haters!
ehmm … maybe because you never said that you wanted to participate in the battle ?? :sigh:
likely story
posted by sheep
likely story
besides i wouldn’t agreed if you already had the castle … :-\
listen up buddy, your askin for it. :evil:
■■■■ sheep, you really like to push the limit with your footers don’t you? it took me a while to figure it out, but it made me chuckle. some might take offense to it, but to that i would say lighten up…
me??? me???
your the sickos with your sick interpretations.
*Originally posted by Majeye *
**damn sheep, you really like to push the limit with your footers don’t you? it took me a while to figure it out, but it made me chuckle. some might take offense to it, but to that i would say lighten up… **
what about it
your the sickos with your sick interpretations.
whatever you say michael…