Vote: Kax, guig0, eilsoe, Soul, Starpromo and Kitiara in a PIXEL BATTLE!


Michael Jackson’s interpretation of things is that he is normal, and all of us are the sick ones for thinking that he is a pervert, just cuz he likes to cuddle with children. …He’s perfectly sane, and the problems all stem from our warped, cruel little brains. I was making a comparison to you saying, ‘your the sickos with your sick interpretations.’

Get it michael? haha

michael jackson IS normal you twisted twat!

sheep, could you please re-define normal, because apparently my definition of the word is no longer accurate…

BTW - twat = the war against terrorism… haha

normal - quality not quantity.

normal = quality time with children in your bed.

abnormal = thinking that grown men who bed down with children are not entirely above suspicion.

Who’s up for the Michael Jackson Pixel art battle? haha