Vote Now: Flash Game Contest

I’ll make an announcement on the forums in the few days prior to closing voting That should get more people to vote.
good idea.

it’s all good, traveler. even with only having 2 levels it’s got gameplay to spare compared to the others. i definitely played yours much longer than that longjump game that’s winning… i was done with that in maybe a minute (though it does look very nice). yours doesn’t even have to rely on the mario theme, you could completely replace the characters and it would stand on its own as uniquely yours.

btw i hear the guy who did that mario 3 movie cheated by continually using quicksave on an emulator to get everything perfect :wink:

Yeah your right. According to his website and some awkwardly translated Japanese, he never intended it to be real. He used screen grabs from an emulator and basically did it frame by frame. But like, most of the stuff he did is totally possible. Last March I had to pass time for a flight from Canada to Austria, so i brought a GBA and basically played mario 3. By the time i was in the Munich airport I could do the first 4 levels better then him, then i came home and got the idea for the hopscotch game.

man, i dont know who’s a bigger geek, him for doing it, or me for making a video game adaptation of his exploits… haha

Since we’re all sharing our opinions I would like to express mine.

I think the reason that Mattias’s game is winning is that it is simple. It is easy to get a hang of the game and does not have a very steep learning curve. It does take some fast fingers and excellent timing though. Simple and addictive (only with a highscore table though).

Mario hopscotch is another great game. It is very original, and it has some pretty impressive tile based coding (I hope it’s tilebased). I do agree with you that it needs more levels, but it is quite fun the way it is now.

Personllay, I like McGiver’s Blast a Footer the best. Sure, it may be small, but it is supposed to be a footer. And you know what they say, big things can come in small packages. The coding is very advanced (at least for me, :slight_smile: ) I think I might know how you might have done it, but I wouldn’t be able to do it at my skill level right now anyways. :slight_smile:
The different weapons and weapon packages are great.

The fourth place game at this moment would be mine, and I won’t bother writing about it because my opinion would be very biased, :).

I think that if the gamers took more time to get more indepth into these games before voting, the results would be different.

Of course, all the games here are terrific, and whoever wins will deserve it. :slight_smile:

thanks for the flowers :love:

makes me a biased too, but I don’t really care.
the battle pong game got fewer votes than it might have gotten because people weren’t sure it is a rip or not in the beginning. definately a game you can play more than once and it’s still entertaining enough to make me click the link and loose some time I was supposed to be spend on other things, every time I come here in this thread.

just noticed an error in mcgivers… how does the land that has no land above it float??? :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s stapled to the scenery :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

oh, I get it, my bad, of course it is :smiley:

I personally thought that the Mario game was very well thought out and pretty professional-looking (though there were a couple of other excellent contenders!)

It got my vote.

yeah, but that’s cos all the graphics were taken directly off the original game…
either way, it got my vote too :stuck_out_tongue:

Well I voted for my pick a couple of days ago…

I just came back to have another go of it :smiley:

Good points, dbarbarian. I was probably a little harsh earlier and I apologize. I can’t even make games yet so I have no appreciation for the hard work that goes into these…

They are all very well done! Nice job to everyone. Especially Mario, Hackysack, and Tunnel 3d, they were exceptional.

Well, true… :stuck_out_tongue:

I still think it was quite well done. Framerate could have been a little higher, too.

[color=DeepSkyBlue][color=Red]This is kind of sick … [/color]

                                  • [/color]
    • Saved highscores since 11/7: [color=Red]532 color=black[/color]

[/color]Barefoot Longjump
- Saved highscores since 11/7: [color=Red]2693[/color][color=Red] color=black[/color][/color]
[color=DeepSkyBlue]+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + [/color]

go longjump! go longjump!

woot for long jump