Voting will now start for the line art battle between myself and Ribcage. All random posts that have nothing to do with battle will be deleted. Voting will be closed January the 20th or first contestant to 50 votes.
They´re both great!
really loved the knight on ribcage´s but my vote goes to Kit, her dragon has more details and is a lil bit nicer. [SIZE=1](specially now that ribcage removed the phil´s look on the dragon :P)[/SIZE]
yep… they’re both great, but kitiara’s has more realistic colouring and such… my vote goes to her=):beam:
i voted for ribcage 'cos i felt sorry for him…
no only kidding
i think thats its alot more bizzy and the knight is really good
but i would of also voted kit, if i was allowed.
I voted ribcage. I thought his looked like a velvet painting, one of those ones that glow under a black light. Very sweet:cool:
Both entries are very well done.
Kit’s is so detailed and I love the dragon’s pose. Great work, Kit.
I voted for Ribcage, however. His entry is not quite as intricate as Kit’s, but it is so dynamic and full of atmosphere that I had to go with it.
I must say this was a difficult vote (I was considering abstaining cuz it was so hard to decide). Excellent work, both of you.
yeah!! they’re both great!
but I’ve voted for Kit … [size=1][the dragon is so cool][/size]
excellent work!
I go with ribcage, more action and I love the colors. The knight is cool.
[SIZE=1]man I wanna battle but I cannot find the time [/SIZE]
i voted for kit because of the transparency of the wings
lol i dont know why i thought that was the best feature
ho well
both good entrys:hat:
Now that was a hard choice!
:-\ but I voted for Kit!
I like the transparency of the wings n’ all!Oh and the look on the dragons face is good!
But the other one is awesome too! I like both of them!
DId they pick dragons as the theme?? What were the rules??
Originally posted by Ilyas
Line Art Battle everyone!!
Theme: Fantasy – Phil the Dragon, the terrible White Knight Slayer
Programs: A pen, a piece of paper, A scanner, Flash (did I forget anything?)
Size: let’s make it big, shall we? Somewhere around 800*600
Participants: Kit, Jubby, Playamarz, Ribcage, Majeye (?)
Due Date: 01-05-03 (tell me if it’s too short, Jubby)
there you go 3d
oh and i voted for Kit, looks as if the dragon just finished EATING phil which i like…someone should match up Kits dragon with the Phil evil demon lord from Guig0’s pixel art
I voted for Kitiara, simply on composition alone. The artwork was superb from both, I just thought that Kit’s was more pleasing to the eye. Purely a subjective opinion.
I voted for Kit because her dragon is…
[size=1]::dan puts on whigger attitude to piss off lost::[/size]
off the hook, fa sho, coming straight from the D-A-double N-Y, heezy fasheezy…
[size=1]::dan puts on normal attitude::[/size]
only thing I would have not done is give the wings translucent, besides that the detail and line art skill just owns i tup, nice color usage too!
wow both of these battle pieces are great, but I had to choose one and I went with ribcage’s piece because it tells more of a story. Kit’s piece is amazing, the detail and color are well implimented, but ribcage’s piece was a bit more interesting. Great job both of you. =)
I voted for Kit. Both entries were amazing tho. Again I’m sorry for not being able to enter. I finally get my computer back tomorrow. My friend’s supplier kept messing up my order. Its funny cuz they never had a problem with this supplier in 5 months, but as soon as they started ordering stuff for me they started to get wrong orders.
Kit: I would still like to have a line art battle in the future. Similar theme… eventually. I’ll start a new thread when I am ready…
I look forward to it, Jubba.
I’ve got a vague idea for a theme as well, although whether it’s as good as yours… We’ll have to compare and take it from there.
And thank you for the votes and comments everyone.
****, that’s very nice!!! Kit, I love your dragon, but it’s too static compared to Ribcage’s, I think. [SIZE=1]and there’s the white Knight too :beam:[/SIZE]
pom (-:
I liked both. But, I voted for Ribcage. Ribcage’s proportions were alot better. Kitiara’s dragon would have gotton my vote except I felt the head was a liitle to small for that great deatailed body.:sigh:
Thanks for the votes guys, I appreciate the feedback.=)