Voxel Eng. b1 and Restructuring Terrain

I figured I’d take my old Destructable Terrain system and make it Restructuring… And not only that but I formed my voxel engine along with it…

Tell me what you think :slight_smile:

[SWF=“http://www.fantom-stranger.com/~mentalconcepts/experiments/voxel.swf width=445 height=310”][/SWF]

Mmm… Yummie

Can you explain what you mean by voxel engine?

I should say particle System because voxels are perfect squares used to fly around have a mind of their own… Senocular could teach you about what they really are…

This is more of a particle system… me sowwie… hehe


Maybe we can make use of it for next Winter season.

It’s still winter here buddy… lol… I still see 20 inches of snow outside :slight_smile:

I like it. but lots of times when something hits there’s no… growing.

or at least it looks that way.


but i didn´t get the voxel thang… were is sen when we need him?

A voxel is actually just a square… It can be sized to anything… But this square can be used statically or dynamically to create objects… No curves or anything… just squares…
